Chapter 8

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Koga's pov.

I eat some of the food that May had made, mostly because I could see how happy it made her to see everyone eating the food she had made. I remember her talking about how she missed eating real food so the fact that she was eating this and the happy look made it worth wile. Plus she was eating more than just a fish or two everyday making me very happy and felt I had little to worry about in regards to her health. What she made was good but I wasn't a huge fan of cooked meat but for her I would eat it. Once the food was gone, a bright smile firmly planted on May's lips made it worth it, Kagome took the pots used back to her home so we waited for her. May leans into my hold, her head resting on my shoulder and I couldn't help but love the view I had of down her top from it. Even if we had been apart for just a handful of days my mind kept playing the worries over and over again of something happening to her. I glance over at her bag that was next to me, it felt a little heavier than when she left making me wonder just what kind of clothes she had gotten when she was gone. I would have to make sure she had something made with fur for her when the winter came to help keep her warm in our cave. Not that I or any of the wolves would let her get cold. The humans were talking and Inuyasha was looking at the well with longing, I knew that look because I had it when my May went into the well with Kagome every time they head back to their home. "Koga." May says grabbing my attention and I look down at her again to see her looking up at me, the smile still on her lips but she looked a little uneasy. She never called me by my name unless she was telling me I loved her or it was something important.

I hug her a little tighter letting her know I was listening to whatever she had to say to me. "May is something wrong?" I ask her when she didn't say anything more than just my name. She cuddled closer to me as if taking in my warmth and I could feel it as she took a deep breath as if taking in my scent like I had done with her so many times. "Nu nothing wrong. I was just thinking that it would be nice to come eat with Kagome and the others like this every other week. You would be alright with that nu?" May says as she gives me these pleading eyes that I knew I couldn't say no to. "If it is what you want then I suppose I see no harm in it." I say making her give me a bright closed eyed smile. "Thank you my omul lup." She says happily and wraps her arms around me in a gentle hug. Not long after our small talk Kagome shows up and the three girls talk happily among themselves about food, training and other odds and ends. May didn't say much when they talked about training and I got a little lost on thinking about teaching her to fight even a little. I hated the idea of her getting into one but she needed to know how to protect herself should men ever try toughing her again. Just the thought of it sends anger shooting through my whole being. I was pulled from my thoughts by a blushing May wrapping her arms around me and hiding her face in my chest. Kagome giggles a little before she hugs Inuyasha tightly. "I'm taking May home." I say as I pick her up like she was a princess or even a queen before walking away her bag tightly in my hand. "See you in a few weeks May." Kagome calls behind her making May's face turn an even darker red.

Our trip home was silent, May had closed her eyes and rest her head against my chest as I ran with her. I think it was to keep the wind out of her face and from stinging her eyes. She was a human after all so it might hurt her when I did this. I never thought much about it. When we walk into the cave both demons and wolves rush over excited to see us back. They get worried when their den mother wasn't near by and it showed how accepting they were of my mate. "Ayame sent a letter saying she was coming here." Ginta says making me scowl a little at the news. I just got my mate back today there was no way in hell I was going to spend any time talking the that stuck up she-wolf who wanted to ruin my life. "Tell he she isn't welcome here." I say as I walk with May to the back of the cave and I set her bag where it normally sits. May gives a small yawn and leans against me making me smile softly at her. I may be angry but May was the one thing that would brighten up my day no matter what. "She will be here in a few hours. The wolf chief said to greet her." Ginta adds making me scowl once again. Then a plan formed and I looked at all my men thinking of how best to distract Ayame. "I think we should have a run as the pack." I say making all the men and wolves get excited about the idea. May looks up at me with confusion. I pick her up and lead the way out of the cave, everyone following me but my two most trusted men. They knew how to deal with this and they would tell Ayame that I was training the others to keep her away from us. I decided that this little adventure would last two weeks just to be safe.

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