Chapter 3

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Kagome's pov.

"Ohhh my that is mark. You were marked as a demon as their mate." Sango yelps and I stiffen a little. "What do you mean?" I ask as May put the bandage back on her neck in shocked. I could tell she was lost in thought as Sango tell me all about how a male demon would mark their mates by biting them meaning that the demon was in heat, this is normally when they would do such a thing. I was worried that she was attacked by a demon with Koga around meaning she got hurt before he could save her. "Can you tell what kind of demon it is that bit her?" I ask as I look over at a still dazed May. Sango sighs before nodding her head slowly. "I can but she might not let me get a good look at her neck again. Why?" Sango asks and I frown at her. "To keep her safe and to know what kind of demon did this." I snap before walking slowly over to May who had sunk down a little in the water.

"May are you alright?" I ask as I place a hand on her shoulder. She turns to look at me a sad smile on her face. "I'm fine Kagome. We should head back to the village soon right?" May says and I give her a small smile before nodding my head. Once we were done we walk to the village and May sits by Shippo who starts to tell her a story. Taking this chance Sango and I pull Inuyasha and Miroku into the forest near by. Sango tells them both what she thinks and Inuyasha looks hurt before mad. "I bet you it was that flee bitten wolf who hurt her. There wasn't the scent of another demon around." Inuyasha barks and I frown a little. 'Why would Koga do that?' I think before we walk back to where a sleeping May was. I felt a little bad about what we were going to do but I wanted to keep her safe. Sango pulls off the bandage and leans in a little to get a better look. She frowns a little then nods her head as she looks at Inuyasha. She places the bandage back before sitting next to Miroku who puts his arm around her. "It could be a wolf or dog demon. We will have to wait and see." Sango finally says before we all fall asleep.

Koga's pov.

I get back to the cave and realized that I was feeling better. The signs of my heat were almost gone which worries me a little. I know I had hurt May and done something bad to her but she still wanted me around. I sigh as I sit down in the back of the cave the rest of my pack was still out hunting so no one was here at the moment. 'I can't get the sound of her voice out of my head.' I think as I lay on my bed before licking my lips only for a watered down metallic taste hits my tong. It was blood, human at that and the taste of it makes my body ace in a pain I had felt for the last two weeks. I needed the person this blood belonged to so once everyone was back and it was dark I left. I head back to Kaede's village only to find May and the others asleep. I walk over to May and lean closer to her neck to smell the blood which made me need her.

Silently I picked her up along with a bag that smelled strongly like her before walking back to my home. She opens her eyes half way there and looks sleepily at me. "Koga where are you taking me?" She asks and I lean my head closer to hers. "Home where you belong." I say then kiss her. I was shocked that I was doing this but she kissed me back. I pull away and she sighs softly. "Omul lup keep me safe." She mumbles before falling back asleep in my arms. When I get home I lay her on my bed before laying behind her and pulling her close to my body. The pain I had been in now gone with her there, before falling asleep. I wake to the warm body pressed to me pulled away and a woman's scream. I open my eyes to see May frightened as a member of my pack drags her by her hair away. "Nu, stop please. Your hurting me." May cries and I jump up before tackling him to the ground. "Don't touch what is mine." I scream before picking up May and walking back over to my bed. I sit with her in my lap shaking, her fear filled eyes looking at me, begging for my help. I hold her closer and look at my pack. "Never touch my woman again unless I tell you to. Understand?" I growl out and they all nod before looking at the small room to the side.

I growl lightly at them. "Omul lup what is wrong?" May asks and my pack growls at her. "Nothing is wrong." I say and the others scowl at May. It would appear the only way to get them to relax is to marry her and prove it to them. I stand slowly and place May on her feet next to me before puling off the bandage on her neck. Everyone stops growling and they whimper instead. "May come with me." I say and she follows me out of the cave, everyone backing away from us as we go. Once outside I pick her up and bring her down to where there is a small lake. "We need to talk." I say slowly and she nods as she sits on the ground. "You bit me. Why?" May asks as she picks a few flowers and weaves them together. "Your my mate. I was letting everyone know it." I say as I watch her. "I see, so it's like an engagement ring?" She asks and I scratch my head confused. May sighs before dropping the flowers in her lap and picking new ones. "A promise to get married. That is why you brought me here nu?" She asks. "It is, in my heat I claimed you as my mate and I can only have one." I say and May looks up at me slowly. "Does your choice upset you?" May asks and I sigh softly  as I look her over.

"No, it doesn't. We have to get married today and I don't want to hurt you." I say. May sighs before standing both flowers in her hands. "I see. My sora(sister) may be mad you took me and did this." She says. I hadn't thought that Kagome would be mad at me but the wolf chief would be here today without his granddaughter. "Marry me May, I can keep you safe." I say as I take both of her hands in mine. She slips a hand out and presses it to the side of my face. "Omul lup I would have ran by now if I didn't agree. I have felt drawn to you since I touched that tree and saw you in a vision." May says before she stands on her tip toe and kisses me. I don't hesitate to kiss her back and all to soon the kiss ends. "We have nu rings to exchange but these will do." May says as she steps back and shows me the flowers. I nod in agreement and we look at each other until I hear a low growl. I look around until my eyes land on the wolf chief. "Koga who is this human?" He asks as he walks forward.

"My mate, we wish to marry today." I say and he nods slowly. I pick up May and we head back into the cave before starting the ceremonies. I repeat after the chief just like I was expected. HE then looked at May before telling her to repeat as well. Once the final word left May's lips I pull her against me and bit her again in the same place, her blood rushing into my mouth and coating my tong. I pull back licking the wound. "Bit him." The chief tells May and she pulls me down a little before  I feel her teeth sink into my skin but not braking it. She pulls away and looks into my eyes. I ignore the chief's next instructions knowing what to do as I pick May up and walk into the small room. I was about to take off her cloths when her small hands stops me and she slips on the small flower ring onto my left hand. She holds out the other one to me and I copy her making her smile at me before she pulls my head down and kisses me. It doesn't take me long to get us both undressed or for me to enter her. Once my energy was spent I howl hearing the others howl as well.

Inuyasha's pov.

When we got up May and her things were missing. Her scent was faint and Kagome was worried. "What if a demon took her?" Kagome asks as she paced in front of me. I couldn't get her to calm down. "Kagome we will find her soon." Sango says. We start to follow the trial again and I frown a little as the smell of May's blood hits me. Shippo whimpers  a little, he must smell it to. "Aren't we close to Koga's home?" Miroku asks and before Kagome can answer we her howling. As we got closer to the mountain I stated to worry more until we see Koga jumping down. "Kagome what are you doing here?" Koga asks when he sees us. He smells like May and her blood. I rush over to him and punch him square in the jaw. "Where is my sister?" I yell and get ready to punch him again.  May was now like my sister, now that I was going to marry Kagome and she was Kagome's sister. "Inuyasha stop." Kagome says and I growl at Koga. "He smells like May and her blood. What did you do to her?" I growl out making the others look quickly at Koga, varying looks of anger at him.

"Nothing, I didn't hurt her." Koga says and I was about to hit him again when one of his men runs over. "Koga mot..." He starts but Koga nods. "Stay here." He orders us before dissapering. "Inuyasha you don't think he hurt her do you?" Kagome asks tears in her eyes as she holds onto me. "I'll kill him if he did." I growl out as I pull her closer to me. We wait for what feels like ever until Koga comes back, a person in his arms. "May." Kagome says as she runs over to them. "Sora I'm fine, Omul lup did not hurt me." May says as Koga puts her down and I notice a flower ring on her hand. "May what happened?  Your neck is bleeding again."Kagome asks as she pulls May over to us. Koga following closely behind her. I pull May and Kagome close to me and hear a low growl. I look at Koga and smirk at him. "Let her go mutt." Koga growls and I chuckle a little. "Not going to happen." I say as I hold both women closer to me.

"Inuyasha let May go now." Sango says but I ignore her as I hold them both in a protective manner. "I'm not going to tell you again." Koga growled as he took a step forward. I feel May gently push on my chest. "Please let me go." May begs but being the stubborn fool I refused. Koga steps even closer and I pull both women back, now that I had my sister I wasn't letting her go. I growl at Koga in warning and he lunges at us. I let them both go before tackling Koga to the ground. I punch at him my sword forgotten in my anger. "Inuyasha stop it." Kagome yells and I throw one last punch at him before getting up and walking over to them. May's eyes were wide and she runs past me to kneel by Koga. "Omul lup are you all right?" She asks as she helps him up making me mad. "I'm fine May." Koga says once o his feet and he stands in a protectively in front of her. "May your still hurt." Kagome says and Koga lets her over to May. "I'm fine sora, really." May says as Kagome cleans her neck. "May what happened to you last night?" Sango asks and Koga allows her over as well but the moment Miroku or I tr to walk over Koga growls at us.

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