Chapter 5

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May's pov.

We had been traveling for almost a month now and Kagome said it was almost time to go back home to see mom. Sango was having a hard time travailing as well but she said she would help the best she could. Koga and I head back to the cave in the mountains he lives in because we needed a little time alone. Kagome agreed to this but only gave me a week before we head back to our time. "Koga, Mom your back!" Two of the wolves said and I look over at Koga confused. "Your the mother of the pack." He whispers in my ear and I blush lightly. Koga walks to his bed with my bag and drops it before putting me down on the bed. "Ginta what happened when we were gone?" Koga asks as he sits behind me with his arms around me in a protective manner. "Ayame left a few days ago but she will be back in a month. There have been sightings of demon birds heading up the mountain again." Ginta says and Koga stiffens, his hold on me tightening a little. "I'll talk to Inuyasha about getting some help with that." Koga says in strong tone and the two in front of him look confused. "Don't you hate Inuyasha?" The other one asks and I look over at him before trying to look at Koga but he held me tighter. "I do and I don't. May asked me to play nice with that mutt so I am." Koga complains before he kisses my neck making me sit still.

Later that night Koga pulls me off into the forest and smiles at me. "I finally got you all alone." Koga says before kissing me. I sigh when he pulls away and he has a cocky smile on his face that I didn't like. "What is wrong?" I ask and he sighs before leaning back against a tree behind him. "I don't Ayame to come back here. She kind of wants to marry me." He says a small frown on his face. I feel a small pain shoot throw me at the thought and turn my back to him so he wouldn't see the tears that had broken throw my barrier. I hadn't cried in a while....not since I found out about my parent's death. I wipe the tear away so Koga whouldn't see them. "May I..." Koga starts but he stops and I turn to see some girl now between us. She was dressed in white fur with red brown hair. "Koga I found you." She says before rushing at him. Koga dodges her and rushes over to me standing behind me with his hands on my waist. "Ayame you're back." Koga says in a tight tone and he tightens his hold on me just a little. "Koga I wanted to talk to you about our wedding and....." She starts but stops when she sees me and the way Koga was holding me. "Who are you?" She barks her fang barred at me and I shrink back into Koga's chest. "Who I am isn't important." I say and I shiver a little at the low growl directed at me. Koga pulls me back tighter into him and growls back at the girl in front of us.

Koga's pov.

I was mad at the way Ayame was treating and threatening my mate. May was shaking a little in my hold and I wasn't sure if it was from fear or anger. "Stop growling at me you little brat." May barks out finally and I felt like smiling at her words. I thought that Ayame might intimidate her into getting what she wanted but May wasn't going to stand for that. "What did you say to me you weak, pathetic human?" Ayame sneers at May who stiffened. "Little girl how dare you say such a thing to me. The one who is weak and pathetic is you." May snaps and she tries to pull away from me. "Koga how can you let her talk like this to me. I'm going to be your wife." Ayame shrieks and May gives a small laugh at her words. "You won't be my wife Ayame. I already have one." I say before pulling May closer to me and kissing her neck making her go limp in my arms. Ayame looks shocked before she snaps out of it and lunges at May. I pick May up and avoid every attack made at her. "Stop it Ayame." I bark and she stops in her tracks. Ginta and Hakkaku run out and I sigh a little when I see them. "You two show Ayame home." I say as I turn my back on Ayame with May still in my arms. "Koga..." May starts but I silence her by placing my lips to hers. I can hear a small scream behind me and look behind me to see and angry looking Ayame looking at us.

I smirk a little before looking down at the woman in my arms. She was shivering a little and I started to worry a little about her when she sneezes. "May are you alright?" I ask and she nods her head slowly. I rush us back into our home and sit on our bed before wrapping her in furs to keep her warm. I sit behind her and hold her close to me and my pack members whimper lightly when they look at May who sneezes again. "Koga is there any tulips near by?" May asks before sneezing again. "No their isn't." I say as I look her over. "Why do you ask that mother?" Someone asks and May sneezes again. "I'm allergic to them. Whenever one is close I start to sneeze and sometimes I get very sick." May mumbles in a sleepy tone. Ginta runs in flowers in his hands and I scowl when I see what they are. "Get ride of those right now." I snap and he skids to a stop. "Ayame left them all over the cave when she got here. I thought mother might like them." He says and I watch my whole pack find the flowers before running them out. Someone grabbed Ginta and told him in hushed tones what was wrong. I roll May so she was facing me but she was already asleep. By the end of the weak May had gotten better and I moped a little as we walked to Kaede's village.

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