The wolf demon's mate

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I had been living in Japan with my hose family the Higurashi's. Their younger daughter who used to always sick and missing school a lot was doing better but I didn't see her much even though we had become close friends. Today I was sitting in my room when the door opens and standing there is a boy who looks about nineteen and he was dressed in red cloths with silver hair and he had dog ears. "Inuyasha what are you doing?" Kagome yells as she skids into my room. I look between them before giving a small sigh and walking over to this Inuyasha who was watching me carefully. "What an odd boy." I say in my thick American/ Romanian accent. He huffs before walking closer to me and sniffing around me. "Who is this Kagome?" Inuyasha asks as he gets right in my face and takes a deep breath. "This is May, she's from another land and is staying here with my family." Kagome says before giving me an apologetic smile. "Sorry May Inuyasha can be head strong at times and he thought you were dangerous because he's never meet you and..." Kagome says but I put up a hand to stop her. "I understand, But Kagome wouldn't you say acestbăiatestenepoliticosşiîntr-adevă boy is rude and really odd. no?) " I say before tilting my head to the side. Kagome looks confused and I give a small sigh when I remember that Kagome and her family did not speak Romanian at all. "Eu suntrau Kagome.(I'm sorry Kagome.) I forget that you do not speak Romanian like me." I say as I pull my long raven black hair over my shoulder before looking over at Inuyasha who still looked uncertain about me.

"It's ok May, I'm the one who should apologies. Inuyasha just ran in here and he must have scared you half to death. Anyway's do you want to go for a walk?" Kagome asks and I nod slowly before following her out of my room with Inuyasha close behind me but he stood protectively near Kagome. Once out side I take a deep breath seeing as how I don't spend much time outside mostly because I don't have anywhere to go. I had never really explored Kagome's yard so as we walk I was drawn to that big tree much like the day I had gotten here. I walk over to it and place my hand on it only to have this image of a man in fur standing against the tree. "Unom de lup?Elesteunuldintrecel maifrumosoameniamvazutvreodata. (A wolf man? He is one of the most handsome men I have ever seen.) " I mumble as I let my hand slowly fall. As my fingers were about to leave the wood I was shocked and pull my hand close to my chest as I give a small yelp. Kagome grabs my hand and looks it over. "Did you get a splinter?" She asks and I shake my head no. "Nu I was shocked by the tree. Odd nu?" I say and she giggles as if I had told her a joke that was very funny. "Let's head inside. Inuyasha is going to be leaving and I want to take a shower before bed." Kagome says as she pulls me back into the house.

I was left alone in my room and once I knew that they were gone I walked to where Sota was standing. "May what are you doing?" Sota asks and I give him a small smile. We talked a lot despite our age and grade difference. "I was walking around outside and wanted to know a few things. Would you mind telling me them?" I ask and he smiles up at me before grabbing my hand and dragging me out side. He tells me the legend behind the tree and about the well. "Kagome might get mad that I told you about the well so it's our secret right?" Sota asks and I nod my head before following him back into the house. We were only a few days away from graduating high school but I hadn't told the Higurashi's that my parents were dead so I had no where to live. The next few days were a blur and I almost forgot all about the vision I had of the wolf man until I see Kagome getting a picture taken under the big tree. I head up to my room and change into my acid wash jeans with a crimson corset top and a black sweatshirt which I tied around my waist. I walk down to the well only Sota seeing me and he gives me a wave as I walk in. "Who are you omul lup?(Wolf man?)" I ask as I sit on the edge of the well. I didn't think much of what I was doing until I feel hands around my waist pulling me back into the well. I gasp and once I hit the ground I look around only to find no one there with me.

I stand and dust myself off before I walk over to the ladder that was there and climb up it quickly. I look around a little confused but walk into the woods until I see the tree that drew me to Kagome's home. "Acum, în cazul în caresunteu?Undeestecasa?(Now where am I? Where is the house?)" I ask as I lean against the tree to look around. I was about to try finding my way back to the well when the man from my vision walks past only to stop and look at me. "Omul lup?" I ask and he growls lightly at me before walking over and sniffing me. "You smell like Kagome. What did you do to her?" He barks at me and I shiver a little at how deep his voice is. "Kagome is my friend, I would never hurt her?" I say as I take a step forward before pain shoots throw my leg. "Ow my leg." I cry as I reach down only for me to see a snake but it wasn't a snake. The man all but forgot me as he fought with the snake and my vision blurs a little as I watch him until I pass out.

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