Chapter 4

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May's pov.

I let Kagome clean my neck but my knees feel like jelly still so I sink to the ground unable to stand. "May are you alright?" Sango asks as she kneels in front of me and takes my hand. Soon I was lifted off the ground and Koga holds me tightly to his body. "I'm fine. Koga please put me down on the ground." I say and he mumbles something before putting me back on the ground but sitting behind me and growls every time Inuyasha or Miroku got to close to me. "May your ankle is bloody. Let's get you to a lake to clean up." Kagome says before she looks around for my bag. "Koga I need clean cloths. Would you get my bag?" I ask and he sighs before standing. "I'll be right back." He says before patting the top of my head and I nod. I couldn't leave here  without help anyways. "So what happened last night?" Sango repeated and I blush lightly. "Nothing. Why?" I say and both women give me the look, the one where they know your lying about something. "Did someone take you? Did Koga save you?" Inuyasha asks as he grabs my hand. "Koga did. Koga brought me here. I'm fine and I am safe." I say and he sighs. I was pulled back into a strong chest a growl rumbling behind me.

"Don't touch her mutt." Koga says his grip tightening on me just a little. "Koga calm down. Inuyasha isn't going to hurt me he is my fratele (brother)." I say and Koga sighs softly. "Fine, he can touch you but not the other one." Koga says as he puts me back down on the ground. "Let's go take a bath." Kagome says as she stands before helping me up. I walk with Kagome and Sango to a lake that was hidden from view. I quickly pull off my cloths and before I can get in the water I hear a gasp behind me. "May did your period start?" Kagome asks and I shake my head no. "Were you raped?" Sango asks and again I shake my head no. "Why is there blood on you then?" Kagome asks as she spins me to loo at her. I try to pull back but I couldn't get away from her. "Let me go." I yelp wanting to be in the water. "Kagome calm down." Sango says as she pulls Kagome away from me and I slip into the water. Kagome and Sango quickly undress and join me in the water but Kagome gave me a worried look. "What happened? Why did Koga take you away?"  Kagome asks as she walks over to me. Sango on my other side so I couldn't run away. "He wanted to keep me safe." I say and Sango leans closer to me as she looks at my neck. "The bit is deeper than last night." Sango says before her fingers run over where Koga had bitten me. "Did you get bitten by someone? Who hurt you? Inuyasha and I will take care of whoever did this." Kagome says as she turns me and grabs my hands in both of hers. I gasp lightly and try to pull away but hands on my back stop me.

"Did Koga do this to you?"  Sango asks and I stiffen a little. "Ceea cesoţulmeuşiamatâtestetreabata! (What my husband and I so is none of your business!)" I say before  I try to get away from them both. "May just tell us what happened." Sango begs and I turn quickly to glare at her. "Nu, I will not tell you or my sora what happened. Koga has done nothing to me and I do not want to be questioned further. Nu I will not answer any more questions until we are back with omul lup." I snap and swim away from them before washing myself. Once I was done I change quickly and brush out my long hair before braiding it in the way my mother taught me when I was younger. I wait for the others to finish and we walk back in silence. When we got back I walk over to where Koga was waiting and he relaxes a little when he sees me. "May are you ok?" Inuyasha asks and I turn to look at him. He had his arms around Kagome making me realize that he was in a relationship with her. I even noticed the way Miroku held onto Sango but she tried to act tougher than before. "I'm fine. How many times must I say it?" I ask as I cross my arms and Inuyasha frowns a little. "Who gave you that flower ring?" He asks and I sigh. "I made it is that a problem?" I say and he frowns a little. I didn't want to talk any longer if they were going to question me like this. "Koga is May your mate?" Sango asks and I turn my back on them to look at Koga who had this serious look on his face. "Yes." Koga says and I hear a small sigh behind me.

Koga's pov.

May looked scared them moment I said yes. Kagome had a huge smile on her face but Inuyasha's held shock and horror. "Your the one who bit her?" He screams and walks past Kagome and May over to me. "I did is that a problem with you?" I ask as I take a step forward to protect May from Inuyasha should he attack. Inuyasha gives a small sigh. "As long as May is happy then I guess I will accept it. Hurt my sister in any way and I will beet you to a bloody pulp got it?" He says and I was shocked that he would say such a thing to me. I look over at May who was crying and she runs over to Inuyasha throwing her arms around his neck. "Fratele (brother) thank you." May says and Inuyasha hugs her back before letting her go. I put May's bag back and we walk to the village where Kagome and May talk about getting wedding rings and such from their time. I didn't like the thought of m mate heading anywhere without me but the smile on her face told me everything. "We should go on a journey before I start my training. You two will come right?" Kagome asks and I nod my head slowly as I watch May's face. May looked excited at the thought before she and Kagome left to their time. I sit next to Inuyasha who looked just as sad as me. "May was really excited about the thought of getting married. So why did you take her last night?" Inuyasha asks as he looks over at me. I sigh before standing and walking around a little. "I don't know. I just needed her so I came to get her. You understand that right?" I say and he nods slowly.

It took two days for them to come back and when they did May skips over to me a big smile on her face. "Did you miss me omul lup?" She asks and I nod my head before hugging her close to my body. "I have a present for you." She says and I pull away to look at her with curiosity. She grabs my left hand and slips a small golden colored thing onto my ring finger on my left hand. I gasp a little as the gold thing's coldness clings to my skin and I didn't like it. "It's a wedding ring omul lup. We both have one and it shows that we are bound together." May says showing me a matching gold ring on her finger. I look at them closer and see a wolf was on them. I was so caught up in my mate that I missed my men running over and yelling at me. "Koga she's back and looking for you." Ginta says and I pale a little before looking at May. "Yeah and she wants to talk with you about the wedding she thinks your having." Hakkaku says fear in his eyes. May frowns before looking at them. "Who is looking for my omul lup? What wedding are they talking about?" May asks anger on her face. "No one May. Let's go we are leaving with the others." I say as I pick her up and shooting a look at my two friends who run behind me. We meet up with Inuyasha and the others before we start to travel and I had convinced them to go the other way away from my home.

When we stop that night I was a little worried about if Ayame would show up and attack May. Inuyasha was up still as well with Kagome's head in his lap. "What did you pack members need?" He ask and I sigh softly before looking down at May. "Ayame is back. She wants to marry me, i never wanted to marry her but she has it in her mind we are perfect for each other." I finally say. "Get some sleep May will be unhappy if your tired and the Kagome will get mad at me." He says and I nod my head before falling asleep. The next day we end up at a old village that was a good distance away from my home and the chief's grand daughter. "We haven't seen many demons on our trip so far." Kagome says as she leans against May who was sitting against the wall. "Isn't that a good thing?" May asks and I nod my head. "It can be but the fact that there are less demons now then in the last three years in a little unnerving. This could be a bad thing." Sango says as she sits next to Miroku.

Inuyasha's pov.

Koga was watching May carefully. "Would it be a bad thing to run into a demon?" May asks as she looks down at Kagome who gives a small sigh. "It could mean something big is going to happen soon. You may have to take Sango's place in this fight." Kagome says and Koga growls lowly. He must not like the idea of May in a fight just like me but then again I still don't like the idea of Kagome getting in a fight and she knows how to fight. "Why can't Sango fight?" I ask finally picking this up. Sango and Miroku look at each other before blushing lightly. "I'm having a baby." Sango says in a soft tone. "A baby?" I ask not really sure how to take this. May gives me a look and I shut my mouth afraid of what she might do to me. Kagome nods her head slowly before looking over at Koga who had worry in his eyes. May looks over at Koga who had dropped his eyes and his free hand plays with the ring on his left hand. May had put it on him the moment she got back and she had one on as well. I was going to question them but Kagome got to it first. "What's with the wedding rings?" Kagome asks and May blushes. "We're married." Koga says and Kagome sits up before lightly smacking May's arm a shocked look on her face. "Kagome stop it." May says before giving a small giggle.

It was nice to see them getting along so well. "We're going to go take a bath. Behave you three." Kagome says as she stands and pulls May and Sango to their feet. "Kagome..." May starts but she was dragged out of the room so we couldn't hear the rest of her complaints. Miroku sighs and Koga looks over at him. "A baby really? Next thing you know Kagome is going to want one." I say as I look over at Miroku as well. He looks a little uncertian before putting his hands in the air in surrender. "How was I to know that getting married and having a kid would be a bad thing. After all Naraku is dead and Kagome was gone for three years." Miroku says and I sigh before sitting back a little. I couldn't really blame him but if something bad were to happen now then we didn't have Sango to help and possibly Miroku as well which leaves just Koga, Kagome, Shippo and myself to fight whatever it was coming. "Koga are you ok? You looked a little worried when Sango said we were having a child." Miroku says as he turns his attention to Koga who looked back down at his ring. "It's nothing really. I just don't want May to get an ideas." Koga finally says. We all sit there in silence until the girl's come back and May walks right over to Koga and sits in front of him before leaning back so her head was on his chest. Koga wraps his arms around her and she gives a small sigh before closing her eyes.

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