Chapter 9

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May's pov.

It's been a little over two weeks since we found out I was going to have a baby. I kept mostly to myself feeling very at peace with the way my life was going at the moment. Koga and several of his men had been busy with things so I was left mostly with Ginta and Hakkaku to keep me company. There was some kind of trouble with one of the other wolf tribes and Koga being the leader of this one had to go help them when they asked for it. I wasn't pleased with the idea of him going anywhere especially when I found out that Ayame would be around as well. I was sitting on our bed a small pout on my lips as I watch Koga's back as he talked with many of the wolves and men. As he was gone I would be staying with Inuyasha and Kagome. As if sensing that I was looking at him Koga turns a little to look over at me and I huff and look away annoyed with him. Sadly with him so busy with this fight thing he hadn't been paying as much attention to me and was missing the big things. I would go to bed and wake up without him at my side depressing me a little. "You ok?" Ginta asks me and I give another huff annoyance clear in my eyes making him jump back from me a little. The thing was when I got angry it was very scary for the people that had made me that way. "I don't know. I would like to go outside and sit by the lake." I say making him nod his head quickly. I know Koga heard what I wanted and I was more than likely to throw a fit should I not get what I want right now. After all my husband was leaving me for war, something that I did not want to happen.

Ginta wonders over to Koga talking softly to him, more than likely they were talking about the pros and cons of me leaving. Truthfully I wanted to leave only so no one would witness my first few bouts of morning sickness. Soon Ginta was by my side and he offers me his hand. I take it letting him help me up before we leave. I didn't even bother saying a word to Koga and brush off his touch when he tried to hug me before I left. I knew he wanted to kiss me but I needed to get outside right this moment or I would have thrown up on him. Once on the ground I walk around with Ginta who was more than happy to keep me company. "Are you really ok?" Ginta asks as I walk over to a tree and rest a hand on it, I was using it to support most of my weight right now. "Nu I am not alright. I feel sick and I need the fresh air." I say making him whimper a little. "I'll go get Koga but I'm not supposed to leave your side." Ginta rants making me give a small sigh before turning to look at him. "Ginta turn around now." I order him making him nod his head quickly and does as I ask.  I move to the other side of the tree before I throw up, tears falling down my face as I do so. All I wanted was Koga to be here with me to rub my back and hold my hair so it wasn't getting gross like it was now. Once I was done throwing up I felt like all my energy was gone and I give a heavy sigh. I glance at my hair frowning a little at the sight of it before I walk over to Ginta and place my hand gently on his shoulder.

"Ginta I need clean clothes." I say and he turns quickly to look me over only to see the vomit on my top and in my hair. He looked a little panicked but I calm him quickly with a small pat on the arm. "Please don't look at me like that." I whisper knowing that tears were still falling from my eyes and he quickly whips them away. "Feeling better?" Ginta asks and I give a jerky shake of my head. I felt gross in my dirty clothes so I walk over to the little river and start to scrub my hair trying to get the vomit out of it more tears falling as I did so until I finally just stop and sit there. I could hear Ginta panicking a little before nothing but my soft sobs. I felt like I was going to throw up again but there was nothing left for me to do so, or so I felt. I just wanted to clean my clothes quickly and myself before taking a very, very long nap. I jump and give a small scream when I feel a hand on my back before I was turned a little to look up at a very worried looking Koga. He didn't say anything just took in my appearance before sweeping me up in his arms. I wanted to protest against his actions, I may still be upset with him but I didn't want to be in his way ether. He just carried me to the hot spring before setting me on the ground. "You should have said you were feel sick. I want to take care of you the best I can." Koga says and I refused to meet his eyes. "Your busy with helping the other tribe. I didn't feel the need to bother you over my morning sickness." I whisper still not looking at him. I was ashamed that he was seeing me like this. He sighs and I feel him fumbling a little with getting my clothes off not caring that he was getting vomit all over his hands or even that I wouldn't look up at him.

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