Chapter 2

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May's pov.

It has been two days since I had woken up and I was better. I went home with Kagome to talk with the people they needed me to. Much to my surprise they agreed to the ideas of who was adopting me so I now was a sister to Kagome, the older sister that is. "Kagome we are now surorile (sisters)! I am so very happy!" I say as I throw my arms around her neck. She laughed and for the next few days we stayed home before packing to go back to the other world. I was looking forward to talking to my omul lup (wolf man) when we got back. "May, Kagome come here." Mom yells. I had started calling Kagome's mom, mom as well due to her now being that. We run down to the living room only to see one of the men who had talked to me the day the adoption went throw. "May this man wanted to talk to you. He said that he knows your older brother." Mom says and I frown a little. "Nu. I have nu older brother." I say as I tilt my head in confusion. "He is only five years older than you and he is contesting the adoption. I'm here to evaluate you life here. What are your plans for the future?" The man asks as the four of us sit down. "Go to collage and help here at the shrine. Why?" I say and feel Kagome put her hand on my shoulder.

"We want to know who can provide best for you. If your new mother is making you work to go to school then this is not the environment best for you." The man says as he starts to stand. "Nu she isn't making me work I want to. I know I will not need a guardian for long due to how close my birthday may be but mom here is not making me work to stay or go to school." I say and everyone relaxes a little. The man asks me questions for the next few hours before having me fill out the paperwork to become a legal citizen of Japan so I didn't have to move once I was eighteen. Once he was gone Kagome and I went back to packing and head back to the past. When we got there Inuyasha smiles at us and helps us both out of the well. "Now what are we going to do?" Shippo asks as he sits on my shoulder. "I don't know, Kagome what will we do?" I ask as I look at Kagome for an answer. "We can help out the villagers." Kagome says. I end up exploring a little and walk to where the hot spring near the village was Kagome told me about. I would come back later for a bath. Just as I was about to leave someone grabs me from behind and has a hand over my mouth and one around my waist.

Koga's pov.

My heat was worst than normal due to the fact no powerful female demon around would sleep with me and I still hadn't found my mate. The last two weeks were hell and I thought about going to talk to Kaede for help but as I pass the hot spring the most mouth watering smell hits me. I rush to it to see a woman who was looking into the water. I walk over to her and put my left hand over her mouth and my right hand on her waist. She smelled so good and I could feel my control starting to slip a little. She smelled like flowers and pine trees, a smell that was driving me crazy to the point where I didn't care that this woman appeared to be human at all. I lean in closer to her and place my lips to her neck before kissing it and I feel her shiver in my hold. I was about to turn her around to kiss her when I heard a voice and footsteps walking this way. I kiss her neck one last time before running away to a safe distance to see who was coming and who this girl was. "May there you are. You shouldn't walk around alone like this you could have gotten hurt by a demon." Kagome says. I stiffen as May turns around and I get to look at her to see that she was the girl I had saved before my heat started. "Is that so? I was hoping my omul lup would come to see me." She says and a small frown was on her face. "You mean Koga? He should be around soon. I wouldn't be surprised if he showed up in the next few days." Kagome says as she walks over to May and pulls her away from the hot spring and away from me.

I growl low in my chest mad that May was being taken away from me and I couldn't stop Kagome without scaring them both. I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself unfortunately all I end up doing is taking deep breaths filled with May's scent in it making me want her as I have never wanted anything before.I wait for almost an hour before heading to Kaede's village still in the hope that I can get something to help me and if I see that girl up close again could tell why she was driving me crazy. I walk into the village and the first person to greet me was Inuyasha. "What do you want?" Inuyasha sneers and I sigh only to catch that wonderful smell again. "Koga your back I wanted you to meet someone." Kagome says as she walks over with that girl who had dark green eyes, a green that reminded me of pine trees near my cave. "Koga this is May, May this is Koga." Kagome says as she points at me then to the girl then back at me. "My omul lup. You were right about his name Kagome." May says as she takes a few steps closer to me offering her hand to me. I take her hand and feel a small shock go throw me as I touch her. She must have felt it as well because she looks confused at me. I didn't know what to say or even do now that she was this close to me again.

May's pov.

Koga appeared to be frozen with his hand in mine. His body was hot and his hand feels like the one that had held me earlier. "Koga are you sick?" I ask as I pull my hand from his and place the back of it to his forehead. " way." He says as he pulls away from me a little. I wanted to giggle at him because he was acting cute. Inuyasha full on laughs at him making Koga glare at him. "They hate each other this has nothing to do with you." Kagome says as she starts to pull me back but a hand around my wrist stops her. "Could we take a walk May?" Koga asks and I look over at Kagome and Inuyasha for help. "No way I'm letting my new sister go off with you flee bitten wolf." Inuyasha growls out but Kagome places a hand on his shoulder. " Go ahead just have her back soon." Kagome says and with that I was pulled behind Koga until we were out of sigh of Inuyasha where his hand drops down to hold mine. "Is Inuyasha really your brother?" Koga asks and I giggle lightly. "Nu omul lup he is not. Kagome is my sora(sister) so he must feel that I'm his sora because of it." I say and Koga frowns at me. "What do those odd words mean?" He asks as he looks at me with his sky blue eyes. "Omul lup means wolf man and sora means sister. I am now Kagome's sora because her mother is now my own. Do you have any siblings?" I ask and Koga shakes his head slowly. After that we were silent as we walk until we get back to the hot spring from earlier.

"May would you like to..." Koga starts but he falls to his knees breathing hard. I was worried about him because his skin was hotter than before and he was shaking. "Koga are you alright?" I ask and he shakes his head no. "Go back to the village. I don't want to hurt you." Koga says as he tries to push me away but instead I drop down and hug him to me as his breathing came in short pants. "Nu I will stay with you." I say in a soothing tone and he hugs me to him. His head on my shoulder and I soon feel his lips on my neck again before I was knocked over and he was laying on top of me. "I'm sorry." Koga says, his eyes glazed over before he places his lips to my own. He was rough as he kissed me and his hands held my own over my head so I couldn't push him off. I soon feel his excitement as he starts to rub against me. He picks up his pace and soon his lips were on my neck and I feel a sharp pain making me scream. The sound of my scream pulls him out of it and he pulls away quickly a horrified look on his face. "I'm sorry." He says slowly as he reaches out to me. I put my right hand to the left side of my neck only to feel the blood there covering my hand. As I sit up I notice something sticky on my jeans and Koga seems to notice as well because his eyes go wide. He opens his mouth to say something but before he can we hear a rustling. I stand and pull him over to the hot spring before pushing us both in.

Our heads breake the surface when Inuyasha runs over. "May are you ok?" He asks when he sees us. "Fine, we feel in the water and it surprised me so I screamed. I'm sorry." I say as I blush lightly. Koga puts his hands on my waist in a protective manner. "Your bleeding." Inuyasha says and I put my hand to my neck. "So I am. I must have gotten cut on a rock." I say and Inuyasha helped me out but ignored Koga. Koga gets out and places a hand on my lower back making Inuyasha really mad. "Back off you feel bitten wolf." He growls just as Kagome runs into the clearing with her other friends. "May your wet." She says as she runs over to me and I nod my head. "Yes, I got to close to the edge of the spring and feel in. Koga tried to catch me but I ended up pulling him in with me. I screamed from my shock of falling in." I say as both men let me go as Kagome takes my hand. "Your bleeding. Come on let's get you cleaned up before we eat lunch. Koga do you want to join us?" Kagome says as she takes my hand leading me back to the village only for us to pause to look at Koga who was looking at the ground. "I would love to but I need to get back to my pack. I'll be back later, maybe tomorrow." Koga says before he looks almost shyly up at me. "Ok see you later then Koga." Kagome says and we walk to the village where she cleans up my neck before letting me change my cloths before she bandages up my neck. Later that night I head back to the hot spring with Kagome and Sango. I finally noticed that Sango looked a little plump like she might be pregnant and Kagome noticed the same thing. "Sango are you ok?" Kagome asks and Sango blushes lightly. "Miroku and I are having a child. We got married when you were gone." Sango says and I smile kindly at her. I look over at where Koga had been on top of me to see that nothing was there to show anything happened at all. I sigh lightly before I feel a hand on my back making me turn to look at Sango. "Let me check your neck." She says and I nod my head letting her pull the bandage away. "Ohh my that is...." Sango starts.

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