Death Trap

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Jacob wakes up in the morning and gets ready to go for work, while drinking coffee he saw the news on T.V about another sighting of the vigilante.

Reporter: The vigilante has stroked the city of Washington D.C once more, this time the entire rooftop of the Dalton Building filled with 20 wanted criminals who's bodies were put together to make the letter 'X', not forget to mention them being covered in blood which is a sign that the vigilante is trying to call out someone.

Jacobs takes a sip of his coffee and looks at his sword hanging on a support

Jacob: Tonight's the night.

Location: Washington Bank
Time: 11:59

The bank is yet again being robbed, Jacob is still lurking in the dark waiting to strike and he did the moment the thugs tried to leave the bank. The moment he killed all the thugs, someone came up to him.

Jacob: Slater (depressed voice).
Slater: Oh looks like you know me.
Jacob: Also nicknamed 'slayer' known for catching more than 100 mercenaries. The best detective in Washing... no the entire world.
Slater: Then you know why I'm here (smiling).

Then from every corner of the bank came the police force armed with weapons.

Slater: Just as I thought, you would fall for it.
Jacob: And how'd you manage to do that?
Slater: You are easy guy to read, first you only kill criminals by the time the clock strikes 10 because you use the darkness as a camouflage in order to not be seen, second you only kill criminals that have planned a heist, that's how you know what and where is the crime taking place, all from just a few security cameras.
Jacob: (grins) I see, that's quite impressive.
Slater: So now I ask you, why are you doing all this?
Jacob: Vengeance.
Slater: Just as I thought, you don't have parents do you?
Jacob: (gets angry).
Slater: You do realize vengeance never solves anything, have you never learned that in school, oh wait, by the looks of it you don't go to school do you, you left it at a young age.
Jacob: Looks like you know to much, I wish to end you now but that's not what I do. Whether you find out who I am or not it doesn't matter. I have but one goal only, to kill X.
Slater: How about you stand down and let me do that job.
Jacob: I'm a man of my words, don't interfere with me.
Slater: Not matter what you choose you can't escape this, I guess this's CHECKMATE.
Jacob: Think again, I knew about this ambush before you might have even thought about it.
Slater: If you did know then why'd you still come?
Jacob:  To tell you to back off.
Slater: (sigh) Then you leave me no choice.

Slater raised his hand up and was holding his fist tight, then the moment he pulled out his thumb ( as a signal to tell the 4 camping snipers to shoot the vigilante) the snipers pulled the trigger at the same time, but Jacob managed to cut all the 4 rifle bullets in a single with his sword and then pulled out his rifle and shot all the scopes of the rifles that the snipers were holding, making them unable to shoot. The cops tried shooting him one by one but he easily dodges them and knocks them out with a spiked brass knuckle. Then Slater pulls out his dual swords as charges towards Jacob.

Slater: Don't think I came unprepared (excited).

Then he strikes Jacob but Jacob easily blocked it, he tries again and again and again but couldn't land a single hit on him. Jacob managed to tire out Slater then kicked him towards a car.

Jacob: And you said you were prepared (disappointed).

Then a helicopter came from behind a building and had a missile ready to shoot Jacob, but before that happened, he quickly pulled out his rifle and shoot down the weak point of the helicopter's wing which caused it to crash and take out the rest of the reinforcements.

Slater: took out the helicopter... in a single shot. You must be from the military (surprised).
Jacob: Give it up, you can't beat me.
Slater: Not just yet!

Then a tank came from an underground basement which was hidden in the bank and the moment it appeared, it quickly shot Jacob. But Jacob cut the cannon on half with a little more effort which barely moved him from his place.

Jacob: You hit me with your strongest, now I show you mine. Z...
Slater: Huh?
Jacob: Strike!!!

Jacob then cut the tank into 3 pieces within a second causing it to blow up. Jacob used the explosion as a chance to finally escape. Leaving only Slater the last man standing there.

Slater: Z Strike? Could it be? Those skills, the fighting'd he learn that? Can it be...Him?

Jacob was standing on the top of the clock tower once more looking at the damage that he has done.

Jacob: Slater... those skills...looks like we trained with the same teacher. However, it looks like you abandoned him because you didn't accept his deal for offering him a alive citizen. Hope you learnt something today.

But no-one ever noticed a spider chip camera that was watching the entire scene the entire time

Unknown: He's strong isn't he?
Unknown: I know (evil smirk).
Unknown: Master X, give me the permission to bring to you fourth his head.
X: No, lets invite him to a little party shall we.
Group: As you wish Master X

Back at the area, Slater was being escorted to the ambulance and found a chip on the ground. He picked it up and saw that it was a message from the vigilante himself.

Wanna talk? Meet me at the Washington Clock Tower. You know the timings
- Z

Slater: Z? Hmph. I'll see about it.

To be continued...

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