Feast The Last Werewolf

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Jacob and Feast charged towards each other in full speed, Feast tried to cut Jacob with his claws, but then Jacob blocked the attack with his sword. Though he blocked it, the force of the hit was strong enough to push Slater from his place.

Z: Why are you working for X? (angry voice).
Feast: He changed me!

Both then backed off a little bit, Feast's body started to glow a green aura which gathered up in its mouth and then it blasted a green acid towards Jacob which he dodged. Feast then charged towards Jacob again, but this time tried to bite, Jacob quickly flipped over Feast and cut his back with his sword. Feast gave a loud roar due to pain and then tried to smack Jacob with its tail, but Jacob backed off before it could that.

Z: He turned you into a MONSTER! Is that how you wanted to change?
Feast: You're wrong! I was a monster from start.
Z: What!?
Feast: I was the last of my own kind, others were killed by you, humans. The hunger... the hunger... I couldn't control it!

Feast then tried charging towards Slater who was still in shock after seeing what's happening. He came close till his nose and tried to bite his head out, but Jacob used his grappling hook to shoot Feast in the back and then started pulling it towards him. This angered Feast and then it pulled the rope that was attached to the grappling hook. This caused Jacob to fly towards Feast and then tried to slice him up with its claws, but Jacob managed to land on his claw and then flipped and kicked Feast's head with his heal. Feast used this as an opening and caught Jacob's leg and then slammed him to the ground twice and threw him towards the clock of the clock tower.

Feast: Master X promised me human meats if I worked for him, HE HELPED ME TO LIVE!

Feast's body, once again, started glowing the green aura around it, but this time gathered it all into its claws and then Feast jumped towards Jacob and then tried striking him.

Feast: Claw Of The Werewolf's Tombstone!

Feast used this move to slice the entire top part of the clock into 6 pieces which fell off the clock tower and landed on many people, killing them. Jacob used his grappling hook to shoot the falling hour hand of the clock tower and pulled it towards Feast. Feast quickly sliced the hour hand but didn't notice the grenade behind the hour hand that Jacob threw which blew up next close to Feast's face causing it to get stunned. Jacob then quickly charged towards Feast and stabbed it in the stomach with his sword which caused it to spit blood.

Z: It's over.

Feast then fell on Jacob's shoulder while still in pain and then slowly started reverting back to human boy, which surprised Jacob.

Feast: (grins) no, I'm just getting started.

Feast then bit the shoulder of Jacob then pushed him away quickly. While holding his wounded shoulder he saw Feast regenerating slowly.

Z: You use blood as a source of your energy, I should've guessed.

Feast slowly wipes the blood from his mouth and slowly starts transforming into a werewolf.

Feast: This wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't lived for a long time, I owe a lot to my master.
Z: The longer you live, the more you adapt to your powers, no wonder you are strong.
Feast: Exactly, now that you've come this far, it's about time I show you my full power!

Feast body started growing bigger and bigger and he became twice as tall as Jacob.

Z: That's where you are wrong, I am the first AND the last to live on after seeing you in that state. And I wish to keep it that way.
Feast: Be careful what you wish for, BECAUSE THEY WILL NEVER COME TRUE!

Feast then tried to slam both his hands on Jacob, but he dodged the attack and jumped on his arm and started running towards its face. Feast saw him coming towards his face quickly and then tried to tackle him with his other hand, but Jacob jumped over his hand and threw 2 knives at his eyes blinding it. Jacob then punched Feast with a spiked brass knuckle, nearly forcing Feast to fall out of the clock tower. Feast got furious and he gathered up all the green aura in his mouth and started shooting green acid everywhere, not knowing Jacob was on the top of his head with his rifle pointing towards him.

Z: Hey cripple, over here!

Jacob then shot Feast's forehead and he roared really loudly and tried to knock off Jacob from his head, but Jacob easily avoided that and jumped off and started shooting his face while moving around quickly. Feast then started shielding himself with his hands to avoid getting hit by another bullet. Jacob used this as a chance to charge towards Feast and strike him.

Z: My silence is not my weakness, but the beginning of my revenge. Z... Strike!

Jacob then sliced through Feast and his body got split into 3 pieces within a second. The upper part of Feast's body reverted back to human and fell on the edge of the clock tower, half dead. Jacob then came close to him and lifted him by the head and gave Feast a deadly stare.

Z: Creatures like you have no other way to survive do you?
Feast: (coughing blood) no... the only way my kind has survived... was by eating, we... just... can't... eat anything else. That's... how we... were born. Sorry... Master... I couldn't keep our promise.
Z: X doesn't keep promises, he just uses it as way to get more pawns like you.
Feast: No! (coughs more blood) he was the first to appreciate my existence... and complimented me till the end... you will never... beat him... for who he is, I... couldn't keep my promise... but the others will.
Z: Others?
Feast: (grins) foolish human... I'm not the only one.. who made that promise.
Z: So there are more who follow his path, what's his aim?
Feast: (smiling) Not... gonna... tell ya...

Feast died while still being held on Jacob's hand. Jacob then put his body down slowly and stared at it.

Z: X, any person who will follow your path will die in vein and I'm not gonna let that happen.
Slater: Then let me help you.

Jacob turned around and saw Slater holding on to his wounded shoulder.

Slater: Sure I felt like Feast could've changed, that's why I don't want to see more people die like this.
Z: If you are truly willing to help, then help me find X, that's all, I'll finish him myself.
Slater: (laughs) I don't like being ordered around, I mean I also wanna put a bullet in that guy or 2, but as far as I know, only you can get it done.
Z: Thanks Slater.

Jacob then used his grappling hook to sling himself far away from Slater and he looked on as he disappeared into the city.

Slater: Graple MK II, so that's how you get away quickly (laughs).


Another night ends
To be continued...

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