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Jacob: It's 11 o' clock now, will he come and meet me tonight?
Hawkins: Of course he will son!

Jacob saw the soul of his father sitting in his favorite chair.

Jacob: What makes you say that?
Hawkins: Because he's your friend, he was a friend of yours back when you were still a kid, or should I say your first friend. Still, I wish you both could've grown up together. You both did study in the same school right?
Jacob: Yeah, we did, but we both changed our schools for a reason. He was sent to the police agency due to his smartness (grins) lucky guy got a job there as a detective in such a young age.
Hawkins: Will you ever tell him who you are?
Jacob: Of course not dad, that's his job to find out.
Hawkins: If he did find out who you are, then what would you do?
Jacob: He'll understand, he 'was' my friend after all.
Hawkins: I hope you say 'is' next time because he's the last person who could help you.
Jacob: You have never seemed to amuse me (smiles).
Hawkins: Have I ever?

Jacob looks at the clock and sees that it's almost time to leave.

Hawkins: I love you son, take care of yourself.
Jacob: I love you too dad and I always will.

Then Jacob saw the soul of his father disappear as he walked away.

Location: Washington Clock Tower
Time: 11:55

Slater was waiting at the top of the Washington Clock Tower for Z. And this time he was looking at the city.

Slater: I know you're there, come out!

Jacob came out from the shadows and looked at Slater as he slowly turned around.

Z: Just as I thought, you aren't a coward after all. I can tell you came alone.
Slater: Yup, just me here. So what do you want to talk about?
Z: Ryan.
Slater: Ryan?
Z: That's your real name isn't it.
Slater: Who told you about that?
Z: You were known dead during the Civil War, not as Slater but Ryan. Why'd you change your identity?
Slater: You knowing that means that you were there in the war as well.
Z: Good guess.
Slater: Well, if that's why you called me out here then ok, I'll tell you. I did it so people could stop worrying about me.
Z: By killing off Ryan?
Slater: It had to be done, now they have no one to worry about. As Slater I told them that I'd make sure nothing like this would ever happen to anyone, even my parents.
Z: So your parents are crying over a child who they themselves don't know is alive.
Slater: Like I said it had to be done.
Z: Will you ever tell them?
Slater: I wish I could but they no are no longer in this world. Guess I'm like you now, my identity doesn't matter anymore.
Z: I'm better of calling you Slater, Ryan.
Slater: Thanks. Guess I was sorta right about you back then.

3 hours ago

In the police station, Slater was sitting in his chair and spinning around while looking at the letter he got from Z. Suddenly, another police officer came in with some files.

Officer: Sir, I got the files that you asked for.
Slater: Files? (remembers) Oh yeah the files.
Officer: What's that you got in your hand?
Slater: It's... nothing.
Officer: Sir, if something is really bothering you, then you can let me know.
Slater: I said it's nothing, it's just (sigh) this.

Slater hands the letter to the officer and as he reads it, he gets shocked.

Officer: It's probably a trap.
Slater: I don't think so, if he did want to kill me he would've done that yesterday when we first met.
Officer: Ok maybe not kill you but he might kidnap you. I'll arrange a backup team for you sir.
Slater: Nope, there's no need for that, I'm going there alone.
Officer: Sir you can't, you don't even know what's his plan.
Slater: I know what's his plan, his plan is just to talk to me.
Officer: He's our enemy sir and he should be treated that way.
Slater: Well, he reminds of a friend I used to have back when I was a kid (smiles), I just can't get his name in my mind. And I need to know more about Z, what better way than to talk it out.
Officer: But sir-
Slater: I'm the commissioner, you listen to what I say (serious voice).
Officer: I... as you wish sir.

Back at the present time on the clock tower.

Slater: You remind me of a friend. Just can't remember his name.
Z: Your time is up, I must get going.
Slater: (depressed face) He just ignored what I said. Wait... one last thing. After you do get your revenge on X, what will you do after that?
Z: The day I kill X is the day Z's creed ends. Then you will protect the city, not me.
Unknown: Well that's boring (deep voice).

Jacob and Slater saw a man standing on the hour hand of the the clock tower. His body was not mostly visible but his face was. He was wearing a mask that had a red X on his forehead while most of his body color was blue, he was having 2 swords behind his back.

Z: X (angry voice).

X flew down to them using his jet boots, just in time for Jacob to get his sword ready.

X: Easy there, how about 'we' talk this out.
Z: To late for that.

Jacob charged towards X to strike him but he blocked it with one of his swords, then Jacob tried striking him again and again but he kept blocking them till the point he started using both his swords to block. They both were colliding with their swords while looking at each other.

X: I have to admit, you are pretty good at using a sword, how about you join me? Lets try making a world a better place together huh? (gets excited).
Z: I'll turn that world of yours into HELL!

Jacob and X both backed off at the same time.

X: Come on Z, why don't you give this a little thought?
Z: I thought about killing you instead, Z Strike!

Jacob thought that he sliced X into 3 but X actually blocked all of them.

X: Impressive, but not good enough.
Z: Think again.

Then X suddenly got a cut on his shoulder which triggered him.

X: Damn it (angry voice) guess I underestimated you.
Z: There's more where that came from!

Jacob started charging towards X, but then he sensed a attack and then quickly backed off and dodged an attack from a mysterious monster who crushed the ground and guarded X. He stared at Jacob with a deadly glare and its mouth starts watering. It was a werewolf, Jacob guessed.

Unknown: None shall hurt Master X (angry monstrous voice).
X: (sigh) Feast, I told you to stay out of this.
Feast: Forgive me Master, I just couldn't control my hunger.
X: No, perfect timing actually, how about you entertain our guest of this party?
Feast: With pleasure.

Slater was shocked and terrified from everything he was seeing and started backing off slowly.

Slater: A...a...a...werewolf!
Feast: You both shall be my dinner tonight!
X: Hungry as always? Hmph.

X used his rocket boots to fly away from everyone but then Jacob tried to go after him.

Z: We're not done X!

Then Feast came in his way and tried to attack him with his sharp claws but Jacob quickly dodged it.

Feast: Your opponent is ME!
Z: Then I'll kill you as well!

They both started charging at each other and both had their weapons ready. And then both attacked each other.

To be continued...

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