Last Laugh

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Stone and Z charged towards each other and when they came close enough, Stone tried to hit Z with his spiked hand, but Z managed to jump over his hand and stabbed Stone's back. Surprisingly, Stone turned his own back to a hard rock and the knife got stuck in it.

Z: So you can apply it on your body as well.
Stone: Not just apply, I can also control.

Stone then touched the ground and then rock shards started popping up from the ground one by one and started reaching Z, but Z dodged all of them and managed to use them as a boost for his grappling hook. He then came this close Stone and then suddenly saw a shard coming from under him while he was in mid air. Z then flipped and kicked Stone with both of his legs and shoots himself far away from Stone. But Stone didn't realize the grenade that Z dropped next to him and it blew up and point blank. Z was shocked as the smoke disappeared and saw Stone unharmed. Stone turned his entire body into a hard rock and started charging towards him.

Stone: (angry) NOW I'M MAD!

Stone then jumped and then tried to smash Stone with his hardened hand, but Z managed to dodge it and Stone destroyed the ground which dropped him in the floor below. Z then used his grappling hook to sling shot himself towards Stone in full speed and punched him with all his force with his spiked brass knuckle which knocked Stone down to his knees. Z then shot his grappling hook towards the ceiling and pulled himself up and smacked Stone's face with his knee which dropped him from his position. Due to the hardened face of Stone, Z's knee was partially damaged. Stone then got up and shaped both of his hands into hammers. He then tried to smack Z, but Z managed to dodge all of the attacks and then started shooting him with his rifle and as expected, it had no effect. Stone then hit the ground and the shards started popping everywhere around Z, but just as Z jumped over all the shards, Stone jumped and smacked Z towards the wall. He then picked up Z with his wrist on his neck.

Stone: This is the difference in our strength Z! You don't stand a chance against the Blood Existence. You fought well, you had a choice to join Master X. However, it's to late for that!

Stone then tried to smack Z once again, but Z used his other knife to stab Stone in the eye which blinded him for some time and still managed to kick Z through the wall and then pulled the knife out of his eye.

Stone: Dammit, my eye!
Z: So the only place where he can still be damaged is his eyes. I must find a opening to hit his eye once again.

Stone then became more frustrated and hit the ground again, this time forcing the ground below Z to rise up in order to crush Z with the ceiling, but Z managed to quickly move from his position. Z then saw the wall on both of his sides closing in on him which Z then stopped with his hands. Z found himself trapped that if he was to let go of the walls, he'd be crushed. It wasn't an easy task as Stone turned his entire body to a boulder and started rolling towards him. Just as Stone came really close, Z used the force of the walls to keep himself strong in his position and was using his legs to keep Stone away. However, Stone started spinning more in his own place which made it harder for Z to get a hold of his grip. Stone then turned into a spiked boulder which forced Z to lose his grip and got caught between the walls to create a wall coffin. Stone then turned his entire hand into a big lightning bolt rock and gave a smirk.

Stone: You're the first so I might as well call this, The Lightning Boulder Of Death!

Stone then created a support behind which launched him towards Z and then pierced through it, but Z managed to quickly dodge the attack and came above Stone.

Stone: What? (shocked) He dodged it? His insane.

Z then put his grappling hook on Stone's back and as he pulled the trigger, Stone got shot 3 floors below him in which Slater was being held captive. The impact of the drop was loud enough for Slater to hear.

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