
12 0 0

Slater: Z, tell me, how many people have you sacrificed?

Z remained silent after Slater asked him that. He then just walked up on the corner of the clock tower and looked at the time.

Z: Looks like it's nearly 12, I gotta get going.

Slater enraged and charged towards Z and pulled him from the shoulder.

Slater: Did you forget what happened last night!?
Z: Yes, I know what happened last night, you killed my teacher, (looks down) guess you don't really trust me.

Slater then let go of Z's shoulder and looks at him.

Slater: Do you have any idea what you've been doing your entire life?
Z: I've been getting stronger, that's all.
Slater: By sacrificing citizens!?
Z: They weren't citizens, they were all terrorists. Some of them were soldiers who lost their lives.
Slater: You mean to tell me that, the army has been burying empty coffins this entire time.
Z: That's right.
Slater: I can't believe you. Maybe I made the wrong decision.
Z: Really? Even after I saved your life last night.

12 hours ago

Unknown: Well well well, looks like someone experienced Hell.

Slater turned around and saw 2 woman standing there, both of them wearing red and blue clothes.

Slater: You both did this?
Unknown: Isn't it obvious?
Slater: I guess that means that you both are working for X.
Unknown: You know X? Master really is famous. Well, you know what that means.
Slater: You're here to avenge Feast aren't you?
Unknown: Smart, no wonder they call you the best detective. Well, before you die, allow us to introduce ourselves.
Unknown: I'm Rain, the Queen of the Oceans.
Unknown: I'm Sapphire, the Queen of Flames.
Slater: Queen? Don't tell me you have an entire kingdom?
Rain: We did, but all was lost during the Second World War. Your weapons destroyed our kingdom, but Master X is willing to help us revive our kingdom.
Sapphire: Yes, Master really is a generous man and we will do anything to repay him back.
Slater: Feast wouldn't have died if he didn't work for X!
Rain: Feast had no other way to survive but eat human flesh. There's no cure for that.
Sapphire: Master X always made the right decision for the 4 of us.
Slater: 4? Meaning there's 1 more of you.
Rain: Indeed, he's the strongest from the 4 of us, but don't take us to lightly, we're gonna end your life painfully.

Rain and Sapphire both started charging towards Slater. Rain made a water blade and Sapphire made a flame blade and were about strike Slater, but suddenly Z showed up out of nowhere and blocked the attack and defended Slater.

Z: Slater, do me a favor and let me handle this.
Slater: When did you get here?
Z: (smiles) I was watching everything this whole time.
Rain: You're Z! The man who killed Feast.
Sapphire: Perfect, we'll kill you both here.

Both backed off and Sapphire made a fire ball in her hand. And threw it towards Z, but Z cut the fire ball in half with his sword.

Z: Fire? More freaks.
Rain: I heard that!

Rain then made water needles and shot it towards Z, but surprisingly Z cut all of them.

Rain: (shocked) impossible! He managed to cut all the needles. Just what are you Z?
Z: I'm an avenger.
Sapphire: You're human and yet you are this capable.
Z: Don't take humanity as a weak existence, its best if you go back to hell.
Sapphire: Hell is empty and all the devils are here. You don't expect us to be alone?
Rain: Of course, if you want, we can send you there (psychopathic smile). Sister!
Sapphire: Lets do it.

Sapphire and Rain both suddenly turned into a flame and water dragon. Both then flew towards Z and tried to bite him, but Z managed to dodge both of them. Z then used his rifle to shoot both of them with barely damaged them. Sapphire then started shooting bigger fireballs from her mouth towards Z, but Z started cutting them without burning himself. Rain then started shooting more water needles, but Z dodged all of them. Sapphire started charging up a really big fire ball which was already the size of the flame dragon. Z then threw a grenade towards the fire ball which caused an explosion strong enough to knock out Sapphire.

Rain: Sister!

Rain then flew towards Sapphire and held her in her arm.

Rain: Next time for sure, Z.

Rain then hugged Sapphire tightly and it created a big a water bubble, as it popped, they both disappeared.

Z: (disappointed) I expected them to give me a better fight.

Z then turns around and gives out his hand to Slater to get him up. Slater was about it take it, but then he refused.

Slater: I can get up myself.

Z then pulled his hand back and saw him get up. Z also noticed the scratches on some part of his body as if he was in a fight.

Slater: Thanks Z... for my saving me again.
Z: Don't always expect me to come to help you, fight by yourself sometimes.
Slater: Z! Tomorrow night... can we talk?
Z: You know the place.


Slater: You may have saved my life, but that doesn't atone for your sins. You've taken away to many lives, let this end now, I'll deal with X.
Z: You have no idea how powerful X really is.
Slater: Then I'll die trying!
Z: I can't let you die, you must live on.
Slater: Stop treating me like a kid!

Slater then pulls out his pistol and shoots once towards Z, but Z catches the bullet and charges towards Slater with his sword. Slater then feels the sword very close to his neck and Z standing on the opposite side.

Z: Don't try that again.

Z then puts his sword back in his scabbard and hands him the bullet he shot. Z then walks away from Slater and takes out his grappling hook and shoots it towards another building.
But before he leaves he looks at Slater one more time.

Z: There's a reason why I'm keeping you alive, you'll soon figure out why.

With that Z slings himself far away from the clock tower. Slater looks at the bullet that Z returned, suddenly, the bullet split in half which shocked Slater.

Slater: When did he?

Slater looks at the city as he hears sirens of police cars here and there.

Slater: I'm sorry Z, this is something I'll finish myself, no more killing.

Slater then looks at the X card and pulls out a chit from it. It's a message from X that has a map to a certain location, in the corner it says, " come alone". Slater knew that he could stop all this if he manages to defeat X, and he decides, that he'll go.


Another night ends
To be continued...

Hey guys, this is the 7th chapter and I'm literally having a hard time making this book for you, so pls show your support by giving this chapter a vote and follow me to stay up to date. I'd love to hear your guys opinions and ideas about the next chapter so leave them in the comments.

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