Ciel x Reader

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You were the queens ''doll''. You were going to solve the ''Jack the reaper'' case *something like that I think*. When came to find out, CIEL FREAKING SOLVE THE CASE ALREADY!!!!!! You widened your eyes ready for war. You grabbed your pistol out of the draw and aimed it at a dummy target. You fired eighteen times. Your butler (B/N) came rushing into the room. ''(Y/N) are you alright?'' He/She asked. You looked at him/her with a ''really'' look. You put your gun away and finally calmed down letting out a big sigh. ''We visit the Phantomhive manor tonight (B/N)'' You said clearly anger in your tone. ''Yes my doll'' he responded. ''DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!!!!'' You yelled pulling out your gun again and firing in fury. When the gun was out of bullets you looked up to see your butler catch all of the bullets with his single hand. ''Young doll, If your trying to shoot me....Please practice some more'' Your butler said. You looked at him wanting to reload and aim for his/her head but you had business to attend to.

~Time Skip......Brought to you by your butler being addicted to bunnies~

You arrive at the Phantomhive Manor ready to fight. You put your gun in your purse next to you. ''Are you ready (B/N)'' you asked your butler. ''Ready as ever doll'' Your butler replied and with that someone else had opened the door. You looked at your butler then looked back. ''Gosh (B/N), I knew you were a demon but I didn't know you could open the door from a distance too'' You teased your butler. Then you saw another man. A handsome man. ''Hello, I'm Sebastian Michalis and welcome to the Phantomhive Manor'' Sebastian said. You looked at him with a flirty look. You snapped back into reality when you hold out his hand for you. You jumped back to your crappy mood. ''I DON'T NEED A DEMON TO TAKE MY HAND YOU FOUL BEAST!!!!!!!" You yelled. ''I CAN GET OUT MY DARN SELF'' you added. With that you stepped out an kissed Sebastian on his cheek. ''I'm sorry your really handsome though'' You whispered in his ear. You walked up towards the manor. Not shocked at all (considering that your is WAY bigger then his). ''Hello you must be (Y/N) the queens doll....I'm Ciel Phantonhive. You looked at the boy with a lust – filled look. ''So you're the queens guard dog'' You asked. ''Yes'' Ciel said with no emotion. You looked back to see your butler and Sebastian glaring cold looks at each other. ''For god sakes if you to keep glaring I'm going to start think that you two are flirting'' You said over your shoulder. Sebastian and (B/N) looked at each other with a slight blush on their faces. Yo and Ciel walked into the manor. You looked at Ciel and he just looked forward not paying attention. ''So, Can I talk to you about business, Ciel'' You said breaking the silence. He looked at you then replied with a simple ''Sure''. You went into his office and screwed in the silencer on your gun(But behind his back though).''So what do you need to talk about'' He said gesturing for you to sit down in front of him. The way he talked made you want to kiss him right them and there. But you kept your cool. ''I wanted to talk to you about the cases you do. Well can you skip one of those cases'' You told him. ''Why in bloody h*** would I do that'' He said with a little yelling in his voice. You looked shocked. You wanted to flirt. You wanted to shoot him. You just stared. ''BECAUSE YOU LITTLE S*** I'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO CASES FOR THE LONGEST ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT YOU'VE ALREADY DONE THEM. I DIDN'T COME HERE TO BE NICE PHANTOMHIVE'' You yelled. ''That's not what you told Sebastian when you kissed him'' Ciel replied with no emotion. ''YOU LITTLE S***'' You replied still yelling. You jumped and tackled Ciel from his chair. ''I'M GOING TO TEAR YOUR SOUL TO SHREDS'' You yelled putting up a fight. ''I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU TRY'' Ciel yelled back. You couldn't take it anymore. You pulled out your gun and begin to aim it at him. ''Ciel Phantomhive, prepare to die'' You said placing your finger in the trigger. Without hesitation you pulled the trigger. Ciel dodged it and tackled on top of you and pinned your hands above your head. ''LET ME GO YOU B******!!!!!'' You yelled at Ciel. He stared at you smiling. SMILING. ''(Y/N), You really can't get over me can you'' Ciel asked. ''Get over wh-'' You were interrupted it by Ciel kissing you. You weren't shocked at all and Immediately kissed back. He undid his grip and got up. He helped you up gave you another kiss. Your butler and Sebastian came busting into the room walking in on you and Ciel kissing. ''UH...UH...UH...(B/N) IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!!!!' You said quickly puling away. ''S-S-S-S-S-SEBASTIAN!!!!!! WHO TOLD YOU TO WALK IN LIKE THAT!!!! Ciel shuddered. BADLY. (B/N) and Sebastian just looked at each other and began to laugh. ''WHAT ARE YOU TWO DEMONS LAUGHING AT!!!!! DID YOU KISS OR SOMETHING!!!!!'' You and Ciel said. (B/N) and Sebastian stopped laughing immediately with blushes on their faces. You waved Ciel good – bye while getting into your carriage. ''Hope to see you again (Y/N)'' Ciel said waving. The next day you looked in the newspaper to see that Ciel solved ANOTHER case. 'That b******......but he's MY b******' You thought.


SEBASTIAN WAS HOT!!!!!!!! I couldn't get him out my mind. When I sleep. When I clean. When I help my master. He was just lovely. I was in my room thinking dirty thoughts of Sebastian when I was snapped by realty by my master's gun shots. I quickly ran towards my master's room. ''Are you alright'' I asked her. She just looked at me with a ''really'' look. Like I was stupid or something. When she told me that we were going to the Phantomhive Manor I just automatically thought of Sebastian. Later on we arrived at their manor. (Y/N) was looked at Sebastian with 'awe'. It's strange. She wasn't the fangirl type. She stepped out denying Sebastian's offer. I stepped out and looked at Sebastian. ''Another butler'' I heard him mumble. He glared at me and I glared back. Then (Y/N) said a comment that made me and Sebastian blush. 'OMG HE BLUSHING' I thought. When we went into the manor. (Y/N) went upstairs with Ciel and I went to another hall with Sebastian. He looked at me at some point and kept walking. I pinned him towards the nearest wall. I read this part before but didn't know what to do since (Y/N) rips up all the books when she's mad. Sebastian kissed me gently and pinned me on the opposite wall. I kissed back always dreaming of this moment. Sebastian was starting to unbutton my tail coat. I did to his wondering where this would go. He kissed my neck and I held the back of his head. We were heading towards his bedroom when we heard gun fire. Already in lust, I yanked Sebastian's tie when he went to go see where that came from. ''She get's mad and fires her gun. She won't hurt no one she has a bad aim. Don't worry you master isn't hurt. I told him. He looked at me and shrugged pushing me onto the wall again. I was having a good time when I saw Sebastian had a worried face. ''What's wrong?'' I asked. He looked at me. ''It's nothing'' He lied. I pushed him off teasing him. Tell me. He said then said ''I'm worried about my master''. I sigh and said ''Their okay. But if it hurts you THAT much let's go then''. We went towards Ciel study only to see (Y/N) and Ciel kissing. The room was a total mess. Ciel and (Y/N) tried to make excuses for themselves. We just simply laugh. Then they asked if we kissed. He straighten up not wanting to tell them and stood still. On the way home Sebastian blew me a kiss and I blew one back. This was only the beginning.


Hey guy make the lemon part of the butlers ''Love'' then let me know. I was going to make it in the butler point of view but I wanted to see if it was cool with you all. TTYL!!!!! Pinkie!!!! Guys the lemon is out ^_^ enjoy

com/316227666-butler-love-b-n-x-sebastian-the-lemon enjoy

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