My Lazy Cat; A Little Moment

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Here's another "A Little Moment" update!

Requested by: onikisu_kawa

I hope you enjoy it! :))


You were currently watching T.V. as Kuro slept peacefully on your lap in cat form. You were stroking his black fur in a smoothing way that there was no doubt that he had completely fallen asleep.

Several minutes has passed and the snoring kitty continued sleeping as you continued scrolling through the channels.

You sighed while pouting your lips as you were starting to get bored and unsatisfied.

"What was the channel that Kuro would always watch those animes on?" You question yourself and the second you had mentioned Kuro.


Cat Kuro had turned himself into vampire form as his head rested on your lap.

"Ku-Kuro...?!" You squeal in shock to see the bluenette in vampire form, resting his head against your lap, but you quickly covered your mouth with your hand as you had accidently squealed louder than you thought and you didn't want to wake Kuro up. Especially at this moment.

You lowered your clutching hand whilst you glanced down at his sleeping features.

He looked so calm, gentle, and handsome. There was no way you wanted to suddenly wake him up, not because you didn't want to disturb his slumber, but to admire Kuro's sleeping facial longer.

Kuro's hoodie was down, strands of his blue hair distracted his face as you gently move them away one strand at a time before lightly sliding your slender fingers through and down his soft hair.

A delightful smile formed on your face as you got to see a clearer look at his face now that you've removed his strand to the sides.

"I never realized he looked so...good-looking.." You mumble quietly to yourself, even knowing he wouldn't hear you.

But you spoke too soon.

Kuro opens an eyelid which was already staring back up at you. His unexpected awakening definitely shocked you.

"Why are you smiling like that?" He sighs before continuing as he glanced away. "Can't face you."

Your cheeks started to burn tints of red, your words struggled to escape your mouth as you could only stutter.

"Ku-Kuro..?!! W-Were you awake all this time??!" You managed to speak but the embarrassment that was written across your face didn't fade.

Kuro simply yawns before turning his body half-way so his head rested on its side; still on your lap.

"Something woke me up. Like something on my face but that's too bothersome to think about now." He yawns again after telling you and that only heated your body more than before.

"Wh-Who knows what it was I mean..I-I don't know what it was..! Haha..!" You tried defending yourself from the truth and it successfully worked but not exactly the way you thought it would.

Kuro simply shrugs before closing his eyelids, planning to go back asleep on your lap again as he spoke his last sentence. "Whatever it was, it was kind of smoothing."

"A-Ah-" That sentence made you kind of relieved as you sighed in relief but you noticed he hasn't moved away from your tension body that was starting to calm down a bit.

"Wait! Aren't you going to-" You cut your sentence off when you noticed Kuro had already fallen back into a deep slumber again.

"I guess you find sleeping on my lap more relaxing, hm?" You said quietly to the sleeping bluenette as you slowly and gently rested your hand back onto his head without hesitation. Slowly and smoothly rubbing the area as your fingers dig into his hair.

You have seemed to allow him to remain in this sleeping position longer and you were actually glad and happy you did. You got to admire him once more again.

"Goodnight, you lazy cat~"


When you run out of symbols lol :P

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