Sick Days; A Little Moment

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I managed to write something while still being sick because I'm impatient ^^; I'll get to requests when I'm fully recovered.



You were lying in bed, still in your pyjamas, sneezing every two minutes as your rubbish bin was filled with soggy tissues by now.

Your entire face was boiling red as your temperature continuously rises. Your body felt pathetic and weak, as so did you.

You couldn't hoist yourself off from your bed and move around because of your conditions and you thought it was a terrible excuse.

You felt utterly terrible. You have been skipping school for three days now and that honestly irritated you the most.

You couldn't believe you have gotten yourself sick and now you have to face the consequences.


As you have strap yourself in bed and wrapped yourself with your blanket into a little burrito, you attempted to return back into another slumber as your sneezes and occasional coughs would continually wake you up.

Kuro had noticed your miss-attendances at school and somewhat became concerned about your health and clearly uninformed conditions.

Kuro creaks the door of your room open slightly to take a peek at your state. Again, you didn't look too well. You looked exactly the same as you did from the starting point of your illness.

A sweat drops from Kuro before he speaks out to (Y/n) with a hint of concern in his voice.

"You're not going to school today either?"

(Y/n) nudges around in her bed before replying back to Kuro in a crackly, sick tone.

"No..I'm still sick."

Kuro soon glances around your room and spots the pile of medicine on your dressing table. It wasn't much of a pile, actually. You've been living off some strepsils (throaties) and your own healthy nourishments for the past three days.

Kuro knew how much you took care of yourself and how he shouldn't deny (Y/n)'s lifestyle but...her current health conditions wasn't the most considerable and healthiest.

Sighing to himself, Kuro spoke once more before exiting out her room. "I'm going out."

His sentence made your slightly conscious and turn as it was a struggle, to keep your eyes open as well, you blinked a few time before accepting his desire. Even if you didn't have much choice at the moment.

"Oh, alright. Just don't go too far." You manage to speak out a decent amount of words considering your throat was in pain.

It didn't take (Y/n) too long after to fall back asleep as Kuro freely did whatever he wanted, outside of her apartment.


Several minutes passed and (Y/n) remained in her slumber. It was until this current time, she had awaken from that slumber.

Stretching out her arms and letting out a big yawn as she managed to hoist her upper body from her bed as she was now just siting. It was like a goal accomplishment for the sick girl.

It was only a coincidence that the entrance of her bedroom had opened to allow Kuro to let himself in.

It was a slight shocker as you spoke out, in a clearer and manageable tone this time.

"Good timing Kuro. Where did you go?"

Without having to answer your question, Kuro held out his arm as you eyed his hand, holding a brown paper bag with a large red cross printed onto it.

You blinked twice as you glanced at Kuro before back at the bag, continually. It was obviously expected for you so without any intention, you take it before peeking inside it.

Your eyes lit up in surprise when you indicate some variety of medicines that were appropriate for your condition. You smiled weakly but in happiness as you continued to look around the bag before you remembered...

Instantly, you glanced back at Kuro who was already exiting out your room.

"Wait! Kuro." Your voice cracked as you called out for him but your called halted Kuro as he looked back at you.

"Thank you. I really appreciate this, Kuro." You beam him with one of your warming grins which always leaves Kuro awkwardly surprised and shocked; sometimes speechless.

"I'm glad you actually care for my health." You continued as a small chuckle escaped from you.

Kuro scratched his right cheek with a finger as he kept his gaze away, before finally replying.

"I hope this means I get more food in return."

His statement slightly surprised you as it wasn't something you weren't entirely expecting.

You chuckle it out though, before replying with another sweeting smile. "Sure."

Kuro blinked twice as he also had his different expectations from that outcome which weren't also expected.

"Can't deal.." As Kuro finally exited out your room, leaving you with that catchphrase of his, you simply continued smiling before looking through each medicine one at a time.

"You're the best, Kuro."

At times.


Yup! Changed the style a bit ^^ and I realised there are some mistakes and typos so please mind my ill head ^^;

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