Early Wakes

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I hope you enjoy this short cheeky update ;D


It was early morning. For (Y/n) of course. A quick glance at the digital clock which the moonlight glittered across told her so.

She wasn't so sure why she would continually wake up at random times whilst it was still during hours of darkness. It had gotten irritating that her impatient self couldn't sleep until daybreak.

Sighing tiredly, (Y/n) slouched back onto the bed, resting her head back onto the pillows and stared unblinkingly at the wall in front of her. Her plans on returning back to sleep was cancelled; until movements to her right startled her, as a hand looped around her waist.

"(Y/n)..." Kuro slurred, drowsily, and continued. "Stop waking up...I'm trying to sleep.."

Glimpsing a peek over your right shoulder at the sleepy sloth who was nuzzling against your back, a faint chuckle escaped you, before turning away and speaking back in a low, quiet tone as it was still night out.

"Well, I'm sorry~ I'm just having some trouble sleeping and—" (Y/n) blinked when she heard Kuro soft snore. "Did you just fall back asleep..? I can't believe you!" She scowled with pouted lips before rolling her eyes in surrender. She should have known. It would be pointless to even wake him back up through words as you still wanted his attention.

Now you absolutely could not go back to sleep. Your urge to wake Kuro up was unbearable. It was Kuro's fault for this excitement that he gave you from stopping you going back into a slumber; now being wide awake.


You didn't want to wake Kuro up as it was crisp 06:00 in the morning and he doesn't deserve any unnecessary disturbances. Also, he didn't really do anything disrespectful towards you. Giving you some excitement isn't something to consider disrespectful. You should actually praise his present and give him something in return.

Maybe..the same gift?

Grinning mischievously before pursing your lips together to stop yourself from snickering, you carefully wriggled around, making sure not to wake up the sleeping sloth, which wasn't much of a problem as he slept literally like a sloth, you positioned Kuro onto his back, before you let yourself hover over him before you gently sat yourself against Kuro's crotch area.

You tugged a mischief smile on your face before gradually sliding your upper self towards his facial as your hands slid along as well. Until your face was only inches away from his sleeping facial, and your hands was on either sides of his face, you lowered yourself into quite a rough kiss on Kuro's lip.

This caused Kuro to groan and shift around but (Y/n) was able to remain steady on her position as her lips quickly parted away. Panting hard in excitement, she watched proudly as Kuro's eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning, Kuro~" (Y/n) said, softly and breathlessly. "Come on. Wakey, wakey."

"Hmm..(Y/n)..?" Kuro blinked and faintly glanced around to see that he was caged underneath (Y/n), and (Y/n) simply watched with a giggly feeling in her stomach.

Instead of responding just yet, she dipped down into another kiss but this one was softer and gentler this time. Not realising that she had unexpectedly lifted her lower-self off Kuro's own lower half.

"Tell me, how are you feeling?" (Y/n) asked and allowed Kuro to slightly squirm around as now he has surprisingly realised the position he was placed in, until creeping hands moved up (Y/n)'s thighs, soon grasping her hips and yanking her back down so there downer hips clash against each other.

A moan was earned from (Y/n) and Kuro leaned up to place a sloppy kiss on the corner of (Y/n)'s lips, before flopping back down onto the mattress. "Awake thanks to you..and feeling a little more than I'd want to feel in the morning."

(Y/n) chuckled, nodding in agreement as that was exactly how she wanted him to feel, before she leans in towards his face with a small smirk. "Good. And don't act like you didn't want to feel that little more, Kuro." You stated before your index finger gave Kuro's nose a little poke.

Kuro stared tediously at you as you were used to that face, before he averted his glance away for only a second while having his hands curved around (Y/n)'s ass, squeezed lethargically. "Probably, but you have bad timing, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) simply rolled her eyes before planting herself down onto Kuro's front, as her left ear listened to his morning heartbeats. "At least you're awake." (Y/n) said, unable to think of much else to say.

Kuro nodded and unblinkingly stared up at the ceiling before replying. "At least I'm awake, for a few more seconds before I go back to sleep."

"Yeah...Huh--!? No! Wait!" 

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