A New Year

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I was awoken by my son, Hudson, crying. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled to myself. Today was my first day of my senior year. My final year in school.

Hudson cried out for his mommy's attention. I sat up and stretched out. I looked over at my little boy, looking at me through the bars of his crib. I smiled at him and got up to go over to him.

"Hey there noise maker," I said. "Are you waking mommy up for her first day of senior year? What? Are you?"

Hudson smiled and made a baby noise. I picked him up and bounced him up and down in my arms. He laughed as I did.

"My goodness. You're getting some big. What's nanny feeding you?" I said.

"Morning senior."

I turned to see my little brother, Mike, standing in my doorway with a bright smile on his face.

"Morning sophomore," I replied. "Ready for your first day of school? Two years till you're where I am right now."

"17 years old with a baby?" he teased.

"Haha. You're so funny," I said. "Jokes aside, I'm a senior, and a mommy, and I'm happy and that's all that matters. Now, let's go get ready for school."

Mike raced down the kitchen. I followed, taking my time since I still had Hudson in my arms. My mom and step-father, Kevin, were making breakfast. I placed Hudson in his high chair. He cooed at mom and Kevin. They both smiled at him.

"Good morning sweetheart," mom said. "And good morning Hudson."

He smiled at his name. I got his breakfast and sat down to feed him. I noticed mom smiling as I fed him. She was proud at how well I took care of him. Hudson was my treasure.

Once I finished feeding Hudson and ate myself, I went to get dressed for school. I was super excited for this day to start. As I looked at myself in the mirror once again, I noticed the ring on my left ring finger. I smiled as the memories from the summer rushed back.

There was a knock on the door downstairs followed by mom calling, "Marcia! Ryder's here!"

I grabbed my book bag and raced down the steps. Ryder stood at the door with Hudson in his arms. I smiled and hugged him.

"Hey babe," I said.

"Hey," he replied and gave me a kiss. Hudson cooed.

"Who is it, Hudson? Huh? Is it daddy?" I said to him. He cooed more and Ryder bounced him in his arms and kissed his head.

"We better get going," he said and passed Hudson to me. "Bye H. Daddy and mommy will be home after school. Love you."

He kissed his son and passed him to me. I put Hudson in his playpen in the living room. Mom and/or Kevin took care of him while I was gone to school.

"Mike! Come on or you'll be walking!" I called. Mike came bounding down the stairs. He was wearing those god awful pants that sagged.

"What's this?" I asked, gesturing to his outfit. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"Who are you, my mom?" he asked.

"No, but I am your sister and I'm just saying that whatever group or girl you're trying to impress by wearing this doesn't deserve you if you've gotta dress that way."

"I'm not trying to impress anyone. Let's just go."

He brushed past Ryder and I, trying to pull up his pants as he went. Ryder and I gave each other a look before I said goodbye to mom and Kevin and we were off.

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