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After Glee club rehearsal, I decided to go talk to Neil. He was gathering his things when I walked up and gave him a cheery, "Hello!"

He looked over his shoulder and smiled at me. "Hey."

"I'm not sure if I've introduced myself yet, but my names Marcia Hales," I said and held my hand out to him.

"I know. I heard about the whole thing last year with the teen pregnancy. News travels fast. Nice to meet you, though," he said and shook my hand.

"Tell me about it. The news thing, I mean," I said. "Just wondering, what grade are you in because you're really...tall."

That wasn't a lie. Neil towered over me and most of the Glee club, excluding Jon who was about the same height as him. I would be really surprised if he was only a Freshman.

"Junior," he replied. "I kinda hit my growth spirt in my Freshman year and I've been a tower ever since."

"Well, I guess it comes in handy. You can...reach things on high shelves," I offered.

Neil laughed. "Like I haven't heard that one before."

I laughed as well. "I just wanted to say hi. I haven't really seen you with any other people other than Jon and I thought maybe you'd like another friend. I'm not saying you don't have any friends or anything, you just seem to be around here a lot by yourself. I'm rambling. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. No need to be sorry. I just moved here, which means I don't really have a lot of friends other than Jon. He's a cool guy. I knew him when we were little which is why we're such great friends. It'd be nice to have another friend around here."

"Alright, well if we're gonna be friends, I wanna know more about you."

"Like what?"

"What kind of things do you like?"

Neil slung his book bag over his shoulder and the two of us began to walk down the hall.

"Well, I like music. I play guitar and occasionally piano. I like writing music sometimes. Other things I like is How I Met Your Mother, as you already know. I also like Doctor Who, Disney movies, Marvel movies, stuff like that."

"No way! I love all that!" I said. "Favorite Disney movie?"

"Lion King," Neil replied.

"Manly choice," I giggled. "Mine, too. Tangled is a close second. Favorite Marvel movie?"

"The Avengers."

"Favorite Avenger?"

"Captain America."

"Thor or Loki?"

"Loki, duh!"

I laughed. "Okay, you're basically my twin because those are all my answers. It's like we were separated at birth or something."

"Maybe," Neil laughed. "Okay, this is a big question."

"I'm ready for it."

"Favorite Doctor?"

I thought for a moment. That was a big question. I loved all the Doctors. They were all amazing.

"I'm gonna have to go with Matt Smith," I replied.

"Awe! No!" Neil exclaimed.


"Christopher Eccleston," he said.

"No, come on! Matt was a great Doctor. He was cute and kind and sweet and that episode with him and Stormy. It was so great it made my heart melt."

"But Eccleston was funny!"

Neil and I laughed again. He held the door open for me as we exited the school.

"That's my mom over there," Neil said and pointed to a Jeep parked not too far away from my Hummer (oh yeah. I have a Hummer).

"You don't drive?" I asked.

"I don't have my license. I only have a permit," he replied. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow fellow nerd," I chuckled.

Neil laughed and went to his Jeep. I climbed into my Hummer and began to drive home. I smiled to myself. At least I have a new friend to start off the year.

Marry Me (Third Book in the New Girl series)Where stories live. Discover now