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I hate trigonometry. Who needs this in life? What if I get mugged? What am I gonna do, use the power of triangles to kick the guy's ass? None the less, I had a trigonometry test the next day and I needed to pass trigonometry to pass high school and graduate.

I was sat on my bed with notes thrown everywhere, kinda looking like my math book just exploded. Hudson was sat in his crib, playing with a few of his toys and cooing every now and then as if to show off what he had in his tiny fist.

As I was studying, my computer beeped to signal an incoming call from Skype. Thank. God!

I almost literally pushed everything on the floor and grabbed my laptop. A call from Blaine. Thank you best friend Blaine! I clicked answer and Blaine's smiling face appeared on my screen.

"Hey!" I said. "Thank you for the distraction."

"Math?" Blaine asked. He knows me too well.


"Ugh, I hated trigonometry. It was like my worst subject. What would you use it for in life? Use the power of triangles to kick some sleezy guy's ass?"

"That's what I said!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the hair, quite dramatically. Blaine laughed at me. Hudson cooed.

"Is that Hudson?" Blaine asked. I nodded. "Bring him over, I haven't seen him since mine and Kurt's wedding."

I got up to pick my baby boy. Blaine absolutely adored Hudson. Mainly because he was Hudson's godfather, but also because Blaine just loved children. Back when I was pregnant with Hudson, Blaine said he and Kurt were hoping to have a baby with a surrogate mother. I think Kurt and Blaine would make amazing fathers.

I sat Hudson on my lap so Blaine could see him. Upon seeing his godfather, Hudson cooed again and wriggled in my arms, almost as if trying to get to Blaine.

"Hey bud!" Blaine said with a smile. "I hope you're being good to your mommy."

"Tell Uncle Blaine you're always a good boy," I said and kissed Hudson's cheek. "So, what's up Anderson?"

"Lots, actually. Broadway has announced their revival of How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying and I managed to get myself an audition!"

"Blaine! That's so awesome!" I said.

"Yeah, that's not even the best part. There's this woman, June Dolloway, I don't know much other than there's a dance studio at NYADA, Kurt knows it all. Anyways, she's holding this showcase at NYADA and I'm gonna be in it!"


"Wait, I'm not done," Blaine said, holding up a hand. I rolled my eyes and "zipped" my mouth close. "Part B of this announcement is that I've gotten you a ticket to come see it!"

I had to cover my mouth to conceal the ear piercing scream I was about to let out, to keep Hudson's little ears safe. I couldn't believe it! Blaine got me tickets to go see him perform?! In NYADA, one of my dream schools?! This has to be a dream. Please don't let this be a dream, actually.

Blaine took my gesture as excitement and laughed.

"You are the best best friend ever!" I said. "I can't believe this! When is it?"

"I'm not sure. Some time in March. I'm gonna send you the plane tickets and the ticket to the showcase. It's gonna be so awesome, I'm so excited!"

"So am I!"

I restrained myself from jumping up and down since Hudson was on my lap. He looked up at me in confusion as to why his mommy was so excited.

"Is that the last big news you wanna spring on me, or is there anything else?" I asked.

"Well, actually, there was one other thing." Blaine looked off screen, probably at Kurt. I guess when Kurt agreed, Blaine looked back and added, "Kurt and I are looking into having that child."

"No way!" I finally squealed. Hudson almost flinched in my arms and I decided that was when he should go back into his crib. "Blaine, that is so amazing! Who's gonna be the mother? Rachel?"

"God no," Blaine said, shaking his head. "Do you think she'd ruin her Broadway career by taking nine months off to have a baby and have stretch marks and all?"

"Hey!" I heard Rachel call.

"You know it's true!" Blaine called back. "Anyways, the process could take a while and we're not gonna have one until we move out to our own apartment, but we've been looking into it."

"My God, Blaine, this is so amazing! I-I don't know what to say! You and Kurt are gonna be amazing parents."

"I'm glad you think so. Kurt's a little anxious on the whole thing. He's worried he's gonna be a bad dad or kids are gonna bully our child for having two dad's."

"I'm sure Aunt Marcia could show those bullies a thing or two," I said and punched my hand...then winced and shook my hand as I actually hurt myself. Blaine laughed again.

"Yeah, you're so tough," he said and rolled his eyes. "So, what's up back in Lima?"

I pushed my laptop to the end of the bed and lied down on my stomach. I rested my head on my hands and replied, "Well, Sectionals is coming up. We have our setlist picked out; three songs; a girl's number, a guy's number, and a group number. The Newbies had their first lesson this week where they had to pick calming songs to calm their nerves for Sectionals. Oh yeah, and Kitty thinks I have a crush on the new kid, Neil."

"She realizes you're engaged, right?" Blaine asked. I shrugged. "Well, despite that last part, it seems like our lives are pretty rockin' right now."

I looked over at Hudson, who was now lying down and fast asleep, then down at my engagement ring before smiling. "Yeah. They are."

Marry Me (Third Book in the New Girl series)Where stories live. Discover now