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No matter which way I laid in the bed I couldn't get comfortable. I had been tossing and turning every since I first got in the bed. Marri was weighing heavily on my mind and the fact that she wouldn't answer my phone calls made it worse. I'm just tryna look out for her though. That shit don't sit right with me. Why the fuck would I get booted out the deal all of a sudden? Because them niggas ain't right and Mar just too damn blind to see it. Either that or she just not choosing to see it. My phone rang, breaking me out my thoughts. "Who the fuck calling me at...3:00am in the damn morning?" I grabbed my phone and saw that it was my mama calling and immediately my heart started beating fast. "What's up Mama?"

"Hey baby, you not at that damn club are you?"

"Naw Mama, why you say that?"

"They been shooting down there and I know how you like to go to them clubs. I was just making sure my baby was alright. They say that boy got shot."

I smiled to myself. Man I swear I loved the shit outta my mama, "what boy mama?"

"Domino...Dom something hell." She said laughing.


"Yea I think that was his name. Me and ya daddy sitting here catching up on How To Get Away With Murder and it flashed across the screen. They said it was breaking news baby."


"Yes son."

"You and Daddy take y'all old asses to sleep. It's too late to be up watching tv."

"Hey you better watch ya mouth. Hell, older the berry the sweeter the juice."

I tried to hold in my laugh before I said bye and hung up but I couldn't help it. They something else. I don't know what Ima do with them.

I don't know when it was that I fell asleep but all I know Is that I was awakened on account of my alarm going off. I immediately went into protect mode because somebody was trying to break into my shit. I grabbed the gun that was under my pillow and hopped out the bed with nothin but my boxers on. I crept slowly down the steps when I heard crying. "Make ya self known before I start blasting." I yelled over the blaring alarm.

"Amir it's us."


"Yes. Please put the gun down. I've seen enough gun wielding for tonight."

"What the fuck going on?" I asked while looking at Marri. She looked distraught.

"Long story short, this bitch was feeling trigger happy at the fucking club. I can't believe you Amarri!" Sehven screamed while sitting down on my couch.

"Hold the fuck up....wait a minute. So you telling me you the one that shot that nigga Dominique?"

"Yes! Yes it was her!"

"What the fuck happened"?

"He was being slick at the mouth and I couldn't let that shit ride. That nigga must don't know who I am," Marri finally spoke up. Her and Sehven ran down what happened and by the end of the story all I could do was look at Marri dumbfounded.

"Sooo, you tryna bring heat to us now? You gotta know that shit was sloppy. In the club? Really? Knowing they got cameras on top of cameras not to mention all the witnesses. This shit is straight up stupid man." I said, going back upstairs. Going into my walk in closet I grabbed a pair of black 501 jeans and a black and white Polo. I threw it on real quick along with my all black Air Max 95's. I jogged down the stairs and saw that neither Marri nor Sehven had moved since I went back upstairs. "Stay the fuck right here til I get back!"

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