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Sehven had been blowing my phone up but I ain't been answering because I've been spending quality time with Dominique. We've been chillin a lot lately and getting to know each other better while at the same time I been nursing him back to health. After I get done handling my business during the day and late evening I always go straight to his place. Tonight was no different. Me and Mir had just got done doing a delivery and afterwards he rushed off saying he was hitting the highway. So after leaving him I drove over to Dom's. He greeted me at the door.. without his wheelchair and shirtless.

"Aw shit, look at you."

"Yeaa man, all this good ass care I been receiving got a nigga right."

"Boy stop. Something smells good." I said stepping in while pulling my vibrating phone outta my pocket. It was Sehven. I made a mental note to call her later.

"Well besides being the dopest rapper alive, I'm a dope ass cook. Yea ya boy know his way around the kitchen." He said bragging.

I couldn't help but notice the happiness that radiated through his smile. His smile. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Most females would look to his body but I looked past that. Don't get me wrong, he had a banging body but his smile is what was so captivating to me. I was mesmerized.

I don't know what came over me as I involuntarily walked towards him and began lightly touching his bandages. Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm the one that's responsible for that.

"What you doing Marri?"

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I began to kiss his stomach

"Come here man,"he said pulling me up so that we were face to face, "I told you everything was all good. You've already apologized, I get it, you don't have to keep apologizing. You hear me? He asked while grabbing my chin. I felt my phone vibrating again but this time I ignored it as Dominique's lips pressed against mine. So far for the last month we had not even gon this far let alone being intimate. His lips felt so good against mine. It had been so long, way too long since I had felt a man's touch so I welcomed it and I embraced it. I let him lead me with his lips as I willfully followed. He had me right where he wanted me and at this point I would follow him wherever he wanted to go. We were so deep into the kiss that we didn't notice Tonio had walked into the kitchen. About a week ago Dom had started back staying in his regular home since he was doing a lot better. I could tell Tonio didn't care for me since he knew I was the one that shot Dom but he didn't say shit to me about it because I dared him. We've had countless arguments, some that ended up with guns drawn so we tried to keep our running into each other at a minimum.

"Let me talk to you for a second D." I rolled my eyes as he broke our kiss.

"Damn nigga can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" The deep, passionate kiss was now broken.

"Evidently not." I said folding my arms.

"Wasn't nobody even talking to yo ass so you can shut that shit up. Real talk."

"But I was talking to you though."

"Hey hey hey, yall not gon start this shit right now." Dom spoke up.

"Well keep your bitch in her place. I don't know why you fucking wit the damn devil in the first place."

"Bitch!? Yea I got yo bitch alright." I said walking towards him but Dom got in front of me. I don't know why he keep fucking wit me but he keep on and his ass gon get smoked.

"Tonio chill the fuck out man. You can't be disrespecting my girl like that. Come on now. She gon be around so you better get used to it."

I rolled my eyes and turned and walked out. I walked up the stairs and went into his bedroom and laid across the bed. I wasn't really tired, I just wanted to close my eyes for a second. I made the mistake of closing my eyes for too long because the next time I opened them it was 6:00am in the morning. I heard the shower running as I removed the blanket from over my body. He must've covered me up because I don't remember getting any cover. I looked up as the bathroom door opened. Nothing but steam came out followed by a very naked Dominique. "Shit! My bad. I thought you was still sleep." He walked back in and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. The thoughts that ran through my mind, I should be ashamed but who could blame me. It's been damn near a year, 8 months or so and I was so backed up. I could feel a twitch between my legs as I imagined what sex would be like with him.

"Hello, you hear what I said?" He asked, interrupting my fantasy.

"Oh my bad, what you say?"

"My bodyguard, Duck, downstairs waiting on me, I gotta catch a flight to LA today to do a interview. Tonio set it up for me, thats what he wanted to talk about last night."

"Oh ok, when will you be back?" I was a lil salty he was leaving. I had gotten used to him and just being around him.

"That's the thang, I don't know because tomorrow I gotta fly to Texas and do another interview for the Rickey Smiley morning show. I'd say maybe 2 or three days tops."

"Did ya doctor clear you to go?"

"Yea he said it's all good long as I'm not performing. You can stay here while I'm gone. You don't need no key, I'll jus give you the pass code to get in."

"Naw it's cool. I really won't feel comfortable being here with you gone outta town."

"Girl you tripping. It'll make me happy if you stayed here."

"I don't know. Just text me the code, I gotta go."

"Aight but why you rushing off so fast? My flight don't leave for another two hours."

"I need to get home and get in the shower too and get ready for the day." I had business with Douglas but I didn't wanna tell him that. I'm sure he's put two and two together because he knows I don't work but for some reason I just can't out right tell him I'm a drug dealer.

"Aight, I feel you. Gone and do what you gotta do. I'ma text you that info though."

"Ok I guess I'll see you when I see you."

"That's a bet." He said grabbing his phone off the night table and going back into the bathroom. I walked out the room and down the long winding stairs. When I made it to the bottom I saw Tonio and three other dudes sitting around talking. I didn't say shit to either one of them as I walked straight past on my way to the front door. As soon as I put my hand on the knob it turned. I stood back as a bright light ass nigga walked in. After he stared me down I mumbled under my breath and walked out. I could still feel his eyes on me but I ignored it as I pulled my phone outta my pocket. Damn I had 20 missed calls 11 voicemails, and 10 text messages and they were all from Sehven. I didn't bother reading the messages, I just quickly dialed her number. She answered on the second ring.

"Oh my God! I could kill you right now! Where have you been? I've been calling and calling. Something is wrong with Mir! When she said that I felt uneasy in the pit of my stomach

"What you mean? Where is he?"

"I don't fucking know Amarri. I called him to see if he had talked to you and while we was on the phone he started naming out descriptions and shit! This is too much for me. What the fuck man! What if he's dead?"

"Don't talk like that. Meet me at my house now!" I said and disconnected the call. I pulled out of the driveway and sped off but not before turning and seeing light bright still staring at me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I shuddered. Figuring he just liked what he saw, I didn't think twice about it as I dialed Amir's number. No answer. Before I could let the guilt sit in my phone rang and it was Robert. I answered while driving like a bat outta hell.

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