The Life She Lives

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She loves her life. Perhaps she loves some moments more than others but, she loves her life. She loves Henry. She loves her title. She loves the respect. She is in love with her life.

There are however some disappointments in it. Henry had taken to Jane Seymour. A pretty woman who would no doubt become his next Queen. But, because Henry was so in love with her, he was devoting more and more time to her. Anne was already nearing her fifth month of pregnancy and Henry was getting bored. Elizabeth feared for her position. Eventually Henry's time began to be divided more and more. An hour with Anne. Three with Jane. Five for State affairs. Dinner with court. Where did she fit into the equation? Truthfully? She was beginning to feel as if she didn't and she hated it. Henry had gifted her with a gorgeous manor just before Jane's arrival to court and Elizabeth had begun to make preparations to head there for the foreseeable future. She didn't need Henry to take his anger out on her. So when she wrote a formal letter asking for a reprieve from court Henry granted it. He didn't come to see her off or even acknowledge she was leaving.

A week after Elizabeth got settled in Belvoir castle, Henry finally took notice. "Charles where is the Lady Elizabeth?" Charles looked up from a document, confused. "Your Majesty, you signed off on her taking time away from court." Henry Blanched. "I did no such thing. Someone must have forged my signature." Henry huffed as he sorted through the papers on his desk hoping to find some indication as to what Charles was talking about. When he finally found her letter, he was dismayed to recognize the very familiar signature. "Someone slipped it in amongst my paperwork. They must have assumed I wasn't going to read every single document." Henry rose from his chair angrily, throwing the letter into the fire. "I shall head to Belvoir at once." Charles made to protest but the thought better of it. "Of course Your Majesty. Shall I inform anyone of your departure?" Henry shook his head, pulling his cloak off the back of his chair. "No one needs to know. I shall be back tomorrow if all goes well." Charles nodded. "Of course, Your Majesty."


Right now, at this moment, Elizabeth was ready to strangle her maid. She was exhausted and had finally fallen asleep for a nap. "I'm sorry My Lady but the king is here." Elizabeth sat up, wide awake. "Oh. Oh." She moved out of bed and quickly fixed herself as she headed for the parlor room. "You offered him food and drink? You made sure he was comfortable." The maid nodded meekly. "Yes My Lady." "Good. Leave us." Elizabeth stated before entering the Parlor Room. Henry stood facing the window and startled when she entered. "Henry, is everything alright?" She questioned. She was so confused. Why would he send her away and then come to see her a week later? It was killing her. "I never signed that letter." Henry stated. "What do you mean? It has your signature on it." "I did not do so willingly. It was placed in the middle of the legal documents I was signing. I did not even glance at the contents." She could not control the gasp that escaped her lips. "But who would want me gone?" Henry finally turned to face her. He was unsurprised to see her worrying her lip, a nervous habit. He didn't like the tears in her eyes. He rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug. "I don't know my love but you needn't worry. I will find out. When I do I will have their head." Elizabeth smiled into his chest. "I know what you are thinking my Henry. We both know it wasn't the Boleyns. They are not stupid enough to risk their power, not now." Henry tensed before sighing. She was right. She always was. "Who do you think it could be?" She didn't say anything for a moment. "Do you promise not to be mad with me?" She questioned. "Of course." Henry stated gently. "One of the Seymour grooms delivered it." Henry stood straight, moving to hold her at arm's length. She rushed to explain before he could get mad. "I think it was one of the sons. John Seymour has nothing to do with me. It would have sent up warning flags if he had done so. His sons have delivered a letter of yours to me before. Jane wouldn't do that, not when." Here she broke off, her face taking on a distressed look. "Not when what?" He questioned. "Not when she loves you." She wouldn't meet his eyes then, and he finally came to realize how distressed she truly was by Jane. He had promised her so much and he had kept his word on most of it. But, he had said that if he could make her his queen he would. So when he started talking to Jane Seymour she knew what was happening.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I never meant to hurt you." "I know. But, you aren't going to make me your queen, are you?" He shook his head. "I can not. Not when if Anne fails, Jane will make the Catholic people happy." Tears began to fall as the truth finally came out. "Oh my sweet Elizabeth. I am so sorry." "I know."


When Elizabeth returned to court, everyone knew what was happening. Even if Jane Seymour becomes Queen she will never fully have the King's heart, not when Elizabeth Langdon has held it for so long. Not when the king had gone running after her. Not when rumor had it he would be giving her a title.

This set the Seymour family into their own distress. John, feeling bad for his daughter. She would have to share her husband for the rest of her life, even if she delivered of a son. Edward, for their titles. If Elizabeth was given a title, she wouldn't have to bow to the queen. She would be her equal. Thomas, for his life. What he had done would no doubt kill him. His plan had failed. It was only a matter of time before his head was in a basket.


Jane Seymour had no idea what she was doing. Well she did know what she was doing as she was allowed into the Lady Elizabeth's chambers. She looked around the presence chamber in awe. It was more lavish than the queens! It was open and light. There were beautiful tapestries hanging. The rugs were of France's best. Jane knew that even if she did become queen, she would never have this. "Mistress Seymour how can I help you?" A delicate, airy voice questioned from behind her. Jane jumped and whirled around to look at her rival. Even unprepared for visitors Elizabeth was beautiful. It wasn't fair. "You don't love him." She whispered. Immediately, Elizabeth dismissed her ladies. She had four, the same amount as the queen. She even had chamber maids. "You don't love him." Jane repeated. Elizabeth smiled patronisingly. "I love him very much Mistress Jane. If I did not I would not have returned. You were stupid to think that your brother's plan would work." Jane took the bait. "What plan?" Elizabeth smirked. Her beautiful face looking dangerous. "Your brother tricked the king into signing my dismissal papers. You thought it would work? No doubt Henry is investigating which one did it. When he finds out, well I fear one of them will be that much shorter." Jane flinched. "You're only with him for the power." Elizabeth was growing annoyed. "You may be the king's future wife Lady Jane, but I am his mistress. The moment you are with child he will come to me. He honors me in so many ways. He presents me to the foreign monarchs. He will never fully be yours, not when he was mine first. It would do you well to remember that. Now get out. I am of a higher rank than you and am done with letting you treat me with disrespect." "I'll tell Henry." She made one last effort. "No. You won't. He will be upset that you bothered me. Especially when he shall be arriving her in an hour." Jane, knowing she was defeated, curtsied and exited.


The next evening, with Elizabeth back on her throne in time for the banquet, Jane was glad she backed down. The ever growing pile of gifts beside her chair signified Elizabeth's power. The people would do whatever they could to have her in their favor now.

His Majesty's Mistress *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now