The Whole World is Watching

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Jane was dead and Henry had a son. Henry had retreated into solitude, and Elizabeth was left to run court. She struggled her way through it. Little Edward would be moved to Hatfield when he was a year old to join little Elizabeth. Until then, Elizabeth visited the little boy every day. He looked so much like his mother but his eyes, his eyes were his father's. Henry had yet to see him. So she did what she could. She ran court, mothered two children, one from afar and one within walking distance, and she lived. It took Henry six months before he asked for Elizabeth.

It made her nervous, standing before the man she loved. He could blame her for his wife's death. He could have her banished. He could stop loving her. She wasn't even willing to remind him that it was their anniversary or that she was sixteen. Not today.

So when she entered his chambers, she was prepared for the worst. "Your majesty." she stated with a curtsy. Henry stood by the window,overlooking the pond. "Rise my love, come and join me." Of all the things she was expecting, that was not it. "Of course my Henry." Once she was standing next to him, his arms wrapped around her waist. "Charles tells me you have been taking care of my son." He stated without looking at her. She felt herself nod. "I have. All the measures I have set up are merely temporary until you approve them though." Henry shook his head. "I have no queen. I have no queen and therefore you are to be the leading lady at court." Elizabeth sighed but nodded. "Of course my Henry. Is there anything you need?" Henry nodded toward his bed and immediately Elizabeth understood.

Once she was sure Henry had fallen asleep she quietly whispered a happy anniversary and cut through their shared prescience chamber to get to her own. When she entered her ladies were all doing different activities on their own. "Charlotte will you open the wine by my armoire? I could use a strong mead right about now. Then you can take your leave, all of you."

When they were all gone Elizabeth drank until she was drunk. She had never been good at holding her wine. So nobody should have been surprised that she was giggling. She danced around her chambers by herself singing happy birthday to herself quietly. "Happy birthday to me." She finished off quietly, collapsing on her bed still dressed. She didn't know why she had thought Henry would remember what today was. With everything that had happened, Elizabeth was even surprised he knew what was going on in his own court. "Maybe he doesn't love me." She wandered out loud. 

Meanwhile said man had woken up to an empty bed. He wasn't really all that surprised however. Elizabeth had duties to attend to and she would have left to do them. It was already dark out so he made his way across the presence chamber and quietly opened the door to hear his love singing. But what she sang was not what she was expecting. How could he have forgotten? He had not only forgotten her birthday but also their anniversary. He stood silently, listening. But when he heard what she had said, he all but rushed into her chambers. 

"I love you very much." Came from the doorway. Elizabeth sat up a little bit and giggled. "My Henry." Henry couldn't help but chuckle as he made his way over to her bed, their bed. "Are you drunk my love." "Maybe?" Henry sighed. "Sit up my love." She did as commanded and allowed Henry to change her into her night dress. "Do you love me, truly?" She whispered into his ear once they were laying side by side. Her eyes were still glassy with wine but Henry could easily tell that her question was sincere. "Of course I do. You have been by my side for two years. You have become a mother to my children. You have been the support my people need. You have been all that I need. I will never stop loving you Elizabeth. This I promise." She nodded. 

When she woke the next morning after a loving night together, Elizabeth returned to court eyes as though nothing had happened. She simply made the announcement that Henry had decided to end the private mourning early and make his reappearance  within court at the end of next month. 

By the time Henry made his public appearance Elizabeth had been feeling sick. So much so that she actually missed his return. She had been forced to remain in bed while combatting a fever as well as exhaustion. Linacre had put it toward stress but Elizabeth had a feeling. 

Well that feeling continued to grow as she was sick in the morning and had a great desire for grapes. No one found it unusual as the girl ate them all the time but now she was having them with every meal. The feeling came to her realization of what had occurred. It was possible. Especially if the dates matched up. But was it possible? She had missed her monthly courses twice. She was feeling sick. She had a craving for Grapes. 

She was pregnant. Both Mary and Mistress Nobly confirmed it for her after she swore them both to secrecy. She was pregnant. What was she going to tell Henry? Henry, who had just lost his wife. Henry who had lost his wife to childbirth. Henry, who was still grieving. Henry, who for all she knew was done with her. 

No. There would be no telling Henry. Not until she felt the baby kick her. Once she was sure she was actually carrying a baby within her womb she would tell him. Until then there would be no thinking of it. She would avoid the thought of it. She would act as normal as possible within the boundaries of caring for a child. She would wait until she could be sure. Sure that she was pregnant. Sure that Henry still loved her. Sure that she was going to still have her place in his heart. And most importantly, sure that she would survive. 

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