She Who Has Become Invincible

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Sorry for the long delay you guys. I found it very difficult to write this part of the story due to lack of inspiration as well as lack of time so forgive me if the first part seems rushed


King Henry the Eighth of England was a religious man. He was raised to enter the church until his brother's death. He had read many texts. He believed there was a G-d. He believed that this G-d controlled everything including his power as king. But sometimes he didn't understand the things that G-d did. He didn't understand why G-d had thought to take all of his children with Catherine away. He didn't know why G-d had allowed Henry to murder Anne. He didn't know why G-d had thought it right to take Jane from him. He could only hope and pray that G-d didn't plan on taking Elizabeth from him too.

The news of what was happening to Elizabeth quickly spread through the palace. The joy that had come with the birth of a son was quickly diminished by the news of another potential loss. While some saw it as a chance to gain the king's attention many were easily able to see that this loss would all but destroy the king.

Meanwhile in Elizabeth's chambers people were scrambling. Linacre had taken over and was doing everything he could to stop the blood flow. While they had mostly been successful in their endeavors Elizabeth had yet to wake. "There is nothing more we can do." Linacre declared with a heavy heart. "If she wakes within the next three days than perhaps there can be a hope for her. But there is no clear answer." Her ladies nodded solemnly, knowing how true his words were. Nobody was sure what would happen. For now it was G-d's game.


To say that the sight of Elizabeth blinking her eyes open was a blessing from G-d was nothing short of true for Henry. He had taken to staying in her chambers with their son, whom he had yet to name. He didn't want to name him without her. How could he after everything she had been through? Jane had named their son and he would see to it that Elizabeth name theirs.

So when she first opened her eyes Henry hadn't noticed. He had been pacing with his son in his arms finding it to be comforting to both. He had long since sent his other three children away from court to a manor nearby. While Edward was still too young to even talk, His daughters didn't deserve to be impacted by what might occur should Elizabeth not wake up from her never-ending sleep state. So when he finally turned from the window with his son to begin pacing again he nearly dropped the baby in shock when he turned around to find his eyes meeting with Elizabeth. He quickly placed their son in the bassinet beside Elizabeth's bed before sitting next to her. "Elizabeth?" He whispered quietly. "Henry." She croaked. The relief that spread across his face was palpable. His hand brushed her hair back gently, pulling her into him slightly. He had never known fear until now. Once Henry was satisfied with holding her, he offered her a drink. She accepted it gratefully, gulping the entire goblet. "I shall be back." He had promised. Elizabeth had fallen back into slumber but this time she was easily awoken to the cries of her son. She had eased her way out of her bed and had painstakingly made her way to the bassinet that held her son, her Henry. When the nursemaid walked in, Elizabeth was holding her baby tightly to her, murmuring unintelligible things and if it wasn't a sign that Elizabeth was a living miracle than what was?


Elizabeth had all but demanded a proper christening for her son, John. Henry had readily agreed, willing to give his mistress anything she wanted at the moment. While Elizabeth's firstborn would not be legitimate, he would be treated as such. Baby John would only know the finest things in life. As such, he would be having Henry's sister, Mary who was a dowager queen in her own right, as his godmother and Archbishop Cranmer as his godfather. It was good timing that a woman was not allowed to attend her child's christening for Elizabeth was still to weak to do much other than sit and occasionally walk to pick up her son.

Once Elizabeth was well enough, she had all but insisted on seeing Henry's children. Edward had only truly ever known Elizabeth as his mother and they had been separated for far too long. After all the boy was only two. As for Princess Elizabeth, well she needed a woman figure in her life after so many had been taken from her.

Mary had never been close to Elizabeth. But then again could you really blame her? Elizabeth was two years younger than Mary. While Elizabeth had made Mary's life far more bearable, it had been Jane who had saved her. Elizabeth's position in court had only hurt Jane. Which had hurt Mary who had come to see Jane as a mother figure, something Elizabeth would never be to Mary.

So Elizabeth would see those who needed her. She had long since started seeing the prince and princess as her own children and no one ever held it against the young children if they were to ever call her mama. Elizabeth had been the only woman Henry had been with since Jane's death. She had been the only woman who had sated him since long before Jane. The joy she brought to the king was undeniable. So nobody would say anything about it or her position. He child and most certainly future children would be held in the highest esteem right next to Henry's legitimate child.

Nothing anyone said or did would be able to change that. Not if they didn't want to be one head shorter.

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