The Young Lady Elizabeth

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Elizabeth had always loved children. Even if she didn't like their parents she could never hate a child. That was part of the reason she was attempting to get to know both the Lady Mary and the Lady Elizabeth. Mary was back at court and Elizabeth was doing her best to form a bond of friendship. But, Mary was two years older than her. So Elizabeth turned her focus onto the daughter of Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth had been a bastard for seven months now. Her household was greatly reduced and there was no new clothing for her. So Elizabeth had taken it upon herself to spend some of her wealth on the little girl. She had new shoes made and four new dresses. She also provided money for another lady in Elizabeth's house. But Elizabeth needed a mother. Henry was still refusing to acknowledge the fact that Elizabeth was even his. He had had her moved to Pembroke as technically it was Elizabeth's by right. 

When she arrived at Pembroke she discovered it was a truly beautiful estate. While Anne had been Queen she had done a magnificent restoration of it. She was glad Elizabeth got to grow up there. There was so much she would never get to have because of her father and Jane. But Elizabeth would do whatever it took to raise the young girl like a princess would be. Upon entry to the Parlor Room, Elizabeth was seated next to the burning flames in the hearth to wait for the young lady to make her entrance. When Little Elizabeth did enter, there were no more then two ladies following her as opposed to the half dozen that used to. Elizabeth rose to greet the young girl. She received a curtsy but Elizabeth wasn't having that. "Hello Lilibet. Lady Bryan you may leave us." The woman looked like she was about to protest but knew better than to do so, especially in front of such a powerful woman. When the Lady Bryan was gone, Elizabeth guided the young girl toward the hearth and onto her lap. "Lilibet, is everything alright? How do you like Pembroke?" The little girl lit up as she began to explain all about her garden with excited gestures. But then she quieted. "I like Pembroke very much. But when I asked Lady Bryan why I have it, she said it's because it used to be mama's. Why isn't it mama's anymore?" Elizabeth's heart all but broke. "Well you know that your mama had to go to heaven right?" Elizabeth nodded. "Well your mama decided that before she had to go to heaven she wanted you to have Pembroke." "Oh that's good, but why does papa not visit?" Elizabeth sighed. How did one explain to a young child that their father blamed them for something they had no control over? "Well your papa is very very  busy but he sent me and he sent along presents!" The little girl perked up.  She hadn't had presents in a very long time. 

That evening, when Elizabeth returned to Whitehall, she headed straight for Henry. "Elizabeth! I didn't think you would be back until the morning." Henry exclaims upon seeing his mistress walk into his study. "I had to come back. Something's happened Henry." Henry sat up straight in his chair. Part of him knew that Elizabeth was his and if something had happened to her, his daughter, he would never forgive himself. "What's happened?" He questioned. "Oh Henry, that poor little girl. She's so confused and cut off. Nobody really told her why her mother or father are coming to visit anymore! She kept asking why she was living in Pembroke if it was her mother's." Henry sighed heavily. He had always wondered what Lady Bryan had chosen to tell his daughter. "Henry." Elizabeth stated softly. "If Anne were being tried for Adultery how could your marriage have been annulled? Elizabeth is yours." She opened a small pouch she was clutching and pulled out a small piece of red hair. "It reminds me of your mother." "Where did you get that?" Henry questioned, rising from his seat and approaching his mistress. "I took it from Elizabeth's hair. It's the same shade as your mother's, as yours was when you were this age. How can she not be yours?" 

She left the love of her life to think and she didn't see him for a week. At the week's end banquet he finally made his appearance to escort her onto the Dais. Jane had begun her confinement at the beginning of the week so it was only her. Once she was comfortably seated, able to see all of court, Henry was able to make his announcement. "It has been brought to my knowledge that the crimes that were accused of Queen Anne Boleyn were untrue. As such because she was wrongfully killed and she could not have been arrested for adultery unless she were my true and lawful wife the Queen Anne Boleyn shall be reburied in Westminster Abbey. Due to this change, the Lady Elizabeth shall be restored to her title as Princess Elizabeth, from now and henceforth she is before any daughters but after any sons."

The crowd was shocked. The supporters of the Seymour family were panicking while the supporters of the Boleyn family stood proud. Elizabeth was the one who lead the clapping, proud of the man she loved. Once Henry was sat on his throne next to her, and people began to dance, Elizabeth leaned over to kiss him. "I'm so proud of you my Henry." Henry smiled lightly. "Thank you my love."

Once they were back in their shared presence chambers, alone, Elizabeth was comfortably seated in Henry's lap. "When shall I be making my journey to Rutland?" Henry blanched. "I had not realized you were planning on going." Elizabeth giggled. "Henry, I'm your mistress and your wife is pregnant. Do you think it would really be good for me to stay here?" Henry shifted her so that she was looking at him properly. "You are my official mistress as you have been for a year and a half. You are integral to court life, so you shall not be going anywhere."

So Elizabeth was happy. She had restored Elizabeth to power, she was staying in court.

Yes everything was good. 

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