How Elizabeth Became Who She Was

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If you had told her that when she got older she would be the king's longtime mistress, she would have laughed in your face. Until she was 15 she had been engaged to John Butler, 1st Earl of Lennox. But when the sweat hit England it took John with it. So Elizabeth became a part of court. She would walk the gardens and sometimes she was even allowed to join the queen, at that point Anne, and her ladies for dancing. She liked court and there were many suitors who were looking for a wife. Elizabeth was young and her family had a history of being fertile. She had even attracted the attention of the Duke of Clarence. Nothing ever came of it though because when she returned after a holiday at her family home, she grew up. She had the perfect figure. She was 5'5. She was pretty. Being pretty meant that one would attract the attention of the king. Which she did. But, as much as Henry would have bedded her in an instant he liked the fact that she was still pure. But it all changed three days after she turned 18. He had come to her chambers which had gotten bigger and grown more lavish as she became a friend of the king. Her chambers had been moved so that she and Henry's presence rooms connected. He had been stressed and inconsolable and Elizabeth knew enough on what to do. "Let me make it better." She had cooed into his ear. She had only been wearing a nightdress and well it never took much convincing for Henry.

The next morning Elizabeth awoke, alone. She slid her robe back on and snuck back into her room, making her ladies lock all the doors and made them promise not to let anyone in. She had been devastated. She was ruined, and no doubt so was her family. Oh her poor sister, never to find a suitable husband because she had made a poor choice. Throughout the next three days no one saw or heard from Elizabeth. Her meals were brought to her and she didn't leave her room for prayer. The only person she had even allowed in to visit her was her longtime friend and companion, Joan. She had grown up as a ward for the Langdon family. Now she served in the Queen Anne's household. But not for much longer. There were many rumours about Anne's reign coming to an end. If that were true Joan would make her way into Elizabeth's household.

After three days of solitude and planning to start the fourth, Elizabeth was preparing herself for the worst. It had been such a confusing and sad three days for her. She could only assume that Henry had returned to Anne and he would no doubt be sending her away and marrying her off. She didn't care for either one, but, maybe getting away from the ruined relationship would be good for her. It had to be. A knock sounded at the door and her voice, hoarse from crying, called. "Come in!" She didn't nother to look to see who it was, no doubt that it was her ladies.

She was wrong. It was Henry and she leaped from her chair and went to curtsy but he grabbed her before she could. "You have never had to curtsy to me in private. We are not to start this now." Elizabeth nodded. "I'm sorry your Majesty." Henry sighed. It was going to be very difficult to fix what he had broken. She had never ever called him by the title of Majesty. From the start of their friendship it had been Henry. "I have come to discuss an important matter with you." She nodded without speaking. He lead them over to her bed where they sat side by side. "You're sending me away aren't you?" Elizabeth questioned quietly. Henry blanched. "Why would you think that my love?" Elizabeth bristled. "It has been three days, Your Majesty. I have not heard from you until now. I assumed it was because you were intent on finding me a husband and keeping me from court life." Henry moved his hand back to her cheek as he pulled her face to his, their lips meeting. When they broke apart Henry explained. "I was not planning to send you away. I was making plans to make you my Maitresse en Titre." Elizabeth gasped, a hand flying to cover her mouth. "Does that make you happy?" Henry questioned. Elizabeth contemplated her answer. There were good and bad things that came with the title. She would be the second most powerful woman at court, second only to the queen. The queen was definitely going to be a negative factor. Anne would make her miserable. Then again Elizabeth didn't serve Anne and Henry wanted her. She knew what her decision was going to be.

"I'll be your mistress Henry." A smile bloomed on his face, giving him the youthful look he once possessed. "You have made me very happy." He leaned in for another kiss forcing her to lean back. She leaned back too far however, and collapsed against her pillows. She broke the kiss in a fit of giggles. "When are we to tell the people." Henry grinned looking down at her. "At the week's end you shall join me on my left for the banquet." Elizabeth clapped delightedly, feeling her coming back to herself. This is what she was meant to do. It had to be. G-d wouldn't put her on this path otherwise.

Three days later Elizabeth made her appearance in a gorgeous dress before all of court. People gasped and whispered among themselves at the reappearance of the king's missing friend. She curtsied before the king and he offered his hand. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the court. Tonight i present to you the Lady Elizabeth, my Maitresse en Titre. You shall treat her with respect and she shall be second only to my queen." People gasped at this development. While Henry had been taking short mistresses since the start of Anne's pregnancy, no one expected for it to develop into him taking an official one. Especially not the Lady Elizabeth. She was so young, innocent, and not his style. She was well known to not even accept a flirtation unless approved by her father. When she became the king's friend people assumed it was to woo her. No one thought it would come to fruition.

Elizabeth observed court from her new throne. It was different now that she was a powerful person. People needed her desperately. People wanted to be her friend. They knew that if she held the official title of mistress she was more secure than Anne currently was. They also knew that considering Henry was holding her hand and barely paying attention to his wife, that Elizabeth was going to start a new era. An era of what they weren't sure. "Is everything alright my love?" Henry questioned, noticing the distant look on his beloved's face. She startled and turned to face him. "everything is fine, My Henry." Her attention drifted back to the crowd. 'Everything is fine."

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