pregnant with austin mahone

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Alexs pov

Christmas is 2 weeks away and I have no clue what to get Emma. I guess I will just have to ask Emily. I am got Austin's presant a brand new red hat perfect. Emily got him a brand new red gutair and red beats and a framed picture of them. I cant believe she is having twins. Wow we are having one girl so three baby girls cant wait. Emma and Emily are due on the same day. We cant wait 2 more months . I walked down stairs and saw Emily and her huge belly the girls are both due February 4. She was eating so much food it is so weird to see her eat that much because she is such a tiny person.

"What" she said

" I have a question ' I said

"What." She said sitting so happy

" what should I get Emma" I said

" a car"

" really Emily "

"I am getting her a dog so."

" k thanks where's Austin."

" idk sleeping."

Emilys pov

I walked into Emma's room and lay down sometimes I just go in there and l woke her up that's what I ment to. We were going shopping for baby stuff we already have the rooms all painted and now we need cribs and decorations. Austin finally woke up aw so cute. He gave me a lot of money perfect.

We left the house and drove to the store and parked. We went in the store and looked kn girls cribs and if there's one thing I know about baby cribs is nothing. I found the perfect cribs there both vintage white found a perfect pink mattress I have to get double of everything. Emma and I were looking around and found changing tables and letters. I got A,A,V,N,I,O,C,L,E to make there names. Emma got the same thing but er are not telling eachother the baby's names. We got clothes and strollers and car seats they were all pink and then headed out. We stopped at panera for lunch. We got back and brought the stuff to the rooms and set them up.

Later that day we got our Christmas tree and Austin and I agrees to do some planning. Emma says I'm going to love the baby's name I wonder what it is?

Emma's pov

Alex and I agreed to start planning. Emily says I am going to love the girls names I winder what they are?

A/N: hey its Emily sorry this chapter wasn't that long I am extremely tired. Ok love you guys. -xoxoxo Emily

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