pregnant with austin mahone

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Emilys pov

Tonight's Christmas eve and we are all having dinner together. Emma and I decided to make chicken, green beans, and mashed patatos. When ever Emma and I cook it is always intresting. We finished cooking and the house wasn't burnt at all.good. we sat down at the table and ate the food it wasn't that bad. We all went over to the tree and opened the presents . Emma and I opened our presents from the boys first. Mine was a dimoned necklace with 4 diamonds on it fir 4 people that are going to be mahones. Emma opened hers it was the same thing but 3 diamonds. We hugged them and gave them ours. Ar both got them. Matching watches then I gave Emma hers and she was so supprised. I opened hers and I loved it it was a puppy also. Austin gave me one more presant and so did Alex we opened it at the same time and we got cars!. My car was a range rover red of course and Emma's was a mustange blue of course.

We watched movies and went to bed. Whrn we woke.up in the morning we had to get ready to have people over for Christmas Emma and I are both almost near delivery. Every one showed up and se all opened presants ad ended up getting 4 different kinds if strollers some toys and dog beds.

"Merry Christmas everyone" Austin said as everybody started to leave. Everybody left and it was just the 4 of us we all cleaned up and went right to bed.

Next month......

" Austin, Austin wake up" I said shaking him


"Its time"

"Omg really " he.said and I just replyed smiling him and Alex both freaking out because Emma was also going to have the baby tonight. We got in the car and got the the hospital. We got onto the rooms and I just had to start to push while.pushing I yelled

"Y cant u keep that Dick of yours in your pants" I yelled think that Emma is probably saying the same thing then I heard crying omg my baby ok one more.

I heard another cry and saw my baby's

"What's her name" the nurse said holding up the first on.

"Ava Marie"

"And the other one"

"Nicole gazele "

"There beautiful "

"Thank you " I said taking my babys

Emma's pov

I started pushing and said something to Alex.

"Hey honey next time keep that Dick in the pants okay thanks" I pushed one more time and heard cries my baby is here.

"What's her name" the nurse asked

"Athena rose"

"Beautiful "

I took Athena and held her tight. When we were realesed we saw the twins and when we got home we saw someone standing there we were in shock omg its.....

A/N: hey guys sorry so short -Emily

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