Chapter One

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     I woke up with the sound of the shower running I got up and looked around the room. I saw mine and Rubys close in a pile near the bed with the TV running. I looked at the time with my scroll that was on the dresser and saw it was fairly early.

I got up and slowly got dressed remember what happened last night. A smile grew on my face as I started humming to the song that was playing near the end of the dance. When I finished humming the song I heard the shower turned off.

I saw Ruby walk out with her hair in a towel and with one around me before walking up to me and kissed my cheek she dropped her towel and took the on out of her hair before getting dressed as well. We both exited the apartment and headed towards Beacon.

She leaned her head on me as we got on a bullhead heading for Beacon. I reined my thumb around on her hand which I was holding. When we got off the bull head I notice a student sitting outside asleep. Me and Ruby just ignored it and headed to our dorm.

Me and her remember as we closed the door to our dorm that today was our first day we get sent on a mission. I grabbed my gear and mask that I had in our dorm and headed to my locker to grab the rest of it. I went into the bathroom and started my shower.

When I got out I dried off and got dressed with my gear. I put my mask in a specially designed pocket in my coat as I slid my weapons into there holsters and sheaths. I made sure everything was sharpened and ready for combat before heading back to my dorm.

I knocked on the door and got a "come in" by Yang and entered. I entered seeing everyone wa steady to head out and a dog? I stared at the dog in disbelief before I see Ruby stuff him in a bag. "You saw nothing Vawp!" Ruby shouted.

I nod and walked backed out with everyone following and shortly getting I front of me. We all went to were we where supposed to meet professor oobleck. I pulled out my mask and slid it on pulling my hood on popping my neck.

     I stretched my arms a little and groaned until I saw oobleck rush in front of us. I tried to listen as we walked onto the bull head following him. We had a long trip ahead of us. I chooses to stand leaning against the wall as everyone else sat down.

Yang seemed to be eyeing me down. She had got up and circle me at one point before sitting back down and whispering something to Blake and Weiss. They all seemed to stare at me and Ruby which seems to make Ruby incompatible.

I rubbed my forehead through my mask as Ruby sank down in her chair. I groan and stared at my team which got Professor Ooblecks attention. He coughed which got everyone's attention. "Vawp, please don't do anything stupid while we are on this mission." Oobleck stated sternly.

I nodded and made my way to the door of the bull head, which was open, and sit down with my feat hanging out. I got Ruby worried when I did this, so she came over and sat beside me. I glanced towards her before looking back at the sky.

Ruby started to hug me from my side. I look behind us and see whispering starting up again, I sighed and leaned my head onto Ruby shoulder. She was surprised by my action since I had never done this before. I moved off her and layered on the floor staring at the ceiling rocking my legs back and forth.

I notice Oobleck standing over me sipping his coffee before shaking his head and rushing odd to the co pilot seat. I reached for my voice modifier button for my mask on my throat and changed it so my voice was at a frequency they wouldn't hear and started talking to myself.

Time had passed before I realize we were landing and I turned my voice back to normal. I look at my team seeing my team talking with Ruby having a blush on her face, Yang with a smirk, and the other two shocked.

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