Chapter Nine

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     I agree to let him do the talking for this and cover my eyes feeling them switch and losing control having him take over. I can see Qrow shift uneasily as Darkness uncovers my eyes to reveal our voids. 

     I see him glance to Ruby then back to Qrow before getting up and walking over to him. Darkness takes Qrows hand shaking it before taking a step back and fixing the collar of our shirt. 

"It's great to finally meet you face to face Qrow," Darkness glances again at Ruby before continuing, "I'll gladly answer any question you have, my memory s better then Vawps!"

"Uh," Qrow blinks for a moment before continuing, "well I'm curious to know what exactly are you?"

"I'm a bit of a second entity in this world, I get passed down generation to generation of this family tree. If there are more then one generation alive I can go between the generations. But I bet you wish to know more about my origins, and in which case, I'm a bit of a god you could say. I don't interfere with the trials of men but I have been trapped in this bloodline for centuries."

"Wait so you're a god?" Qrow looks to Ruby before looking back to continue, "How were you trapped into Vawp bloodline?"

"A blood ritual, do you by chance know the story about the man who went mad?"  

Qrow nodded, "yeah I've heard of it, the man had disobeyed another's warning causing him to seek power at the price of madness?"

"Yes yes, that one. It's all true, the man in that story was the beginning of this bloodline, he was too weak which gave me full power over him and then when he had the control he lusted for a woman before his death then blah blah blah you know those things go!"

"Okay no with that said, why did Vawp cover his eyes before letting you take control?"

I could hear him snicker before sighing softly, "I suppose I could trust you two enough to tell you." He got up close to Qrow pulling his eyelid down to show off more of the void in our eyes, "because I can only take control while he sees only complete darkness."

     Ruby and Qrow nodded as he walked over to our masked and picked it up bringing it ver to qrow to show how in the mask was a device that activated steel blinder to allow him to take control and shield my eyes from the glass breaking and slashing me. 

     They talked for a bit more before a long moment of silence with Qrow taking a swig from his flask before having to go leaving me and Ruby alone in the room. I could tell by the look of her figure she was getting uneasy with him still out so we switched back.

     I took quick breath feeling the nerves in my body before walking towards Ruby and wrapping my arms around her earning a squeak of surprise out of her as I smirked.  She smiled softly as I lean against her having her do the same in return.

     Ruby and I locked eyes for a long moment before She looked at the door then back at me asking softly and very nervously, "do... do you wanna go further?"

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