Chapter Five

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Ruby's P.O.V.

     I look back at Vawp seeing his calm expression, I was a bit startled at his sudden embrace but I enjoy it. I kiss his cheek softly seeing Blake staring a bit, I guess there still not used to me dating someone like him...

      Vawp looks at the group and slowly move his way to my side before we started to head towards the place Yang wanted to take us. Vawp sudden stop confused me, but when I turned to look I see him holding Emerald's wrist.

"Hey what are you doing?" I walk up to the two before he let's go and smiles saying, "oh nothing to worry about"

"Hey, Ruby whos this guy?" Emerald askes.

"Oh, he's..." Vawp cuts me off by pulling me into an embrace and saying, "I'm Joker, Ruby's boyfriend!" 

"Oh Ruby, I didn't know you had a boyfriend! is he a student here?" 

"Oh no, I'm too young to be a student here so I'm just visiting my precious Rose and wishing her luck!" Vawp says smoothly as if it's the truth.

"Well, I'm glad to meet you, Joker" Emerald greets offering a hand to Vawp which he shakes.

"Nice to meet you too, but Rubes and I should go eat" Vawp finishes before taking us away back to the others.

Emeralds P.O.V.

    I grit my teeth as they walked away. I turn and head back to Mercury who has set down a boot, he turns to face before asking, "did you get the information need?" I grit my teeth and shake my head.

Vawp's P.O.V.

     I smirk Internally as Ruby takes a seat on the stand chairs, I stand in between her and Yang as they order food for themselves, Ruby stares at me with a bit of concern but I just smile at her to comfort her.

     The group was talking but I wasn't listening but thinking as I watch the scene unfold having Weiss pull out a card to pay for there food but end up getting declined, I slid out my lien and placed it on the table.

     Soon after I see Team JNPR come and sit with us. I wave at them before moving back a little and sit in an empty chair, the man stared at me seeing if I wanted to take an order but I shook my head and waited for my team to eat.

      After they were finished eating I hear the announcement going off calling for team JNPR wanting them to come to there spot that they were supposed to be a minute ago. I left the group a bit after that and started to walk around too my own thing.

      I had walked around into a spot where I could slide my mask back on and continue walking around the festival to see if there was anything needed. I ended up being at a bar named crowbar, odd name choice for a bar...

     I walk in and take a seat next to a man in grey who seems to have been drinking for awhile. The bartender looks to me for an order and I get water not to upset him. he nods and the guy next to me start to stare.

     I look at him and he seems to have recognized my mask, I leap back out of my seat seeing him swing but I slid off a napkin n the floor and fell. I groan a little seeing him tossing lien to the bartender and heading towards me.

     I get up and back up out of the bar so we're no longer in the bar fighting, who is this guy? He swings again and I dodge this time and punch him in the side, I start to slow down time a little to study his movement.

     I read him for a bit then return time to normal then go to punch him but he was able to dodge and I get unbalanced with him hitting me in the back of the head. I fall and hit the floor having the guy get my arm behind me. 

"What are you doing here?" The man questions me

"For a glass of water," I chuckle softly.

"Why are you here during the Vital Festival, what are you planning?"

"Nothing," I groan before hearing him grumbles something about Ozpin, "yoy know Ozpin?"

"Of course I do!"

"Call him, he'll tell me I'mm on your side," I groan before he lets me go as I continue, "I'm a 'student' and I'm just passing time until the festival over for the day..." 

He nods, "well Vawp I'm Qrow, what team did Ozpin place you on?"

"team RWBY," I say before he punches me in the shoulder, "what the hell was that for?"

"You're on my niece's team!" 

"Ruby and Yang?" I ask him with him nodding.

     We talked for a bit and explained how I came up with the cover of Joker when I remove my mask and a few other things, but I leave out the part that I'm dating Ruby for now. When we look up we see a bullhead coming in and at that point, he started to head that way.

      On our way there Qrow looked back to see me sliding my mask off and following him since I figured where we were heading would have Atlus troops. When we got to where he was leading us I saw the bullhead land and stood back and watch what he was going to do.

     I watch as everything unfold I laugh lowly at it and at the end seeing Qrows stopping as Ironwood was walking up with Penny. after that conversation, I see Ruby run and jump onto Qrows arm and take this as the time I  walk up.

     I see Ruby drop down and pull me over for what seems like an introduction and kisses my cheek. Qrow's eyes narrow at me and I laugh nervously thinking he might punch me. I look to Ruby to say, "Qrow and I have already met on not so good terms heh..." 

"Ruby are you dating this guy? you know who he is right?" Qrow groans slightly gritting is teeth.

Ruby nods silently.

"Just like us Qrow me and her met on bad terms..." 

"What type of terms?"

Oh, he'll love to hear this!

     I look down feeling a piece of me hurting for how me and her meeting. Ruby seemed to notice this and stepped between us saying, "I was on a mission to capture him and he got away!" 

DId she just lie for me?

That's what it seems like

     Qrow narrows his eyes and looks between the two between the two of us before shaking it off, "okay kiddo I'll meet you later back at your room okay?" he says before turning and leaving. I look toRuby and she gives me an innocent smile.

I really do love her...

     I lean in and kiss Ruby softly on her lips. She blushes deeply as I wrap my arms around her. She smiles brightly as I lift her up and carry her to our dorm. She blushes deeply as I carry her there.

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