Dare #283

211 5 7

Nimi: From nats15u!

Nagito: Despair

Hajime: For all of us

Everyone: WHAT

Nimi: Let's read her Dangan Ronpa Ask/Dare!


Everyone: ...

Nimi: -laughing my ass off-

Dream: Master....like that...? -drools-

Vale: I need to give Love my Sexy Chocolate.

Seira: I-I have to protect Captain's dignity as a man!

Sin: -just staring at the screen in awe-

Truth: That was interesting sounds from Na-chan

Nagito: Someone kill me

Izuru: What the fuck... -holds up cross-

Junko: Does it bring you two despair? Want me to get rid of it?

Makoto: -goes through the wall- Despair?!

Chihiro: Despair?

Nimi: -smashes camera- 

[Shizuko Ishimaru & Kiyotaka Ishimaru 50/100]

[Ultimate Despair 42/50]

[Masterminds 39/40]

[Lucksters Switch 9/20]

[Ultimate Honesty Still Doesn't Care 7/50]

[Makotoooooooooooo 6/15]

[The Ultimate Despairing Housemaid 3/10]

Ask Or Dare Dangan Ronpa: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now