Good night, dreamers! (Currently like 11PM where I live)
You all were probably been wondering where the fuck have I been.
Well, let me tell ya something
I'm in Video Game Design and Audio/Video Production
Which means I have to focus on those classes
Also, I'm in harder classes than last year, since I'm a junior in high school now.
As you all know, my school gives me a laptop for school work because this school is some what advance in the CTE classes and sometimes bring other class subjects and gives certain students a project that involves multiply classes
It's called Linked Learning and apparently, freshman year was the best year, but I wasn't there and haven't moved yet
Last year was the worst year because none of the teachers were communicating with one another so the projects were a disaster and I come to hate Linked Learning because I was part of that second year of when it started.
Anyway, that was just to explain why the school gives us laptops
And the school blocks certain sites in order to keep the student focusing on their school work.
If you all been with me since Book 1 of Ask or Dare Dangan Ronpa, you all know that the school didn't block Wattpad
But guess what they did on Monday
The fucking blocked Wattpad
So I can't update during school anymore because I'm mostly inspired there
The reasons for blocking Wattpad are: Harmful Technology, Art/Culture, and Social Networking
First: I don't consider Wattpad as social media. I see it as a place in order to improve a person who wants to be an author.
Second: Look at the second reason. "Art/Culture"??? So what if Wattpad is meant for creative minds?! THAT IS NOT A REASON TO BLOCK IT!! ITS JUST BASICALLY SAYING THAT YOU DONT WANT THE STUDENT TO BE BETTER AT WHAT THEY WANT TO BE!!!
-clears throat-
So, I probably won't be able to update until after school, or....
I don't want to say this because these are my days off from updating.
I also won't be able to update until the weekend.
That's right
The days where I have the most free time
So, go ahead and give me all the dares/asks you all want to see.
That was the update part.
Here's the inspiration part:
Because I said I put a request limit for ask/dares.
And I noticed that nobody seems to give me ask/dares as much I got in book 2 anymore
I believed it was because of the request limit.
Then I realized
School started
It's the new year
Meaning people has to focus on passing at the beginning of the year
So I completely understand that
But it's just I feel like you all aren't interested in this Ask/Dare Dangan Ronpa series anymore because I added more OCs to it
It's just it felt boring with just the same characters over and over again
That's why I added all these different versions of me with a certain personality trait
Cause I thought it was a better way for you all to get to know me better as a person and not just a writer who is a creative girl
I wanted to show people how each trait of someone is affected in a dark way
Which is why I have a dream
You may all know I have an Ask/Dare Nimi book
I want to change it to Ask or Dare Myself
I want to make a series that is called Myself and it shows different girls who each represent a different trait that describes the girl they represent.
Anyway, that's for another time.
Time for the challenge part.
I'm asking you all to send me way more dares/asks because I've been focusing on school way to much lately
And my parents expect good grades from me and my sister
So, I've been failing Physics because my teacher doesn't give us enough time to do our work and doesn't exactly teach us how to do the work either
That was it was like for me at first
But I've been getting better since then because formulas
I really do enjoy writing for you all cause it gives me something to do and something to make someone's bad day turn into a good one
But lately, I've been way to stressed out because of school
And I'm gonna be in BPA (Business Professionals of America) again this year because scholarships
And it's a way to travel more often
So, that's all I have to say
Thank you for reading this
If you just skipped all of that
Then go back and read all of it cause I'm loosing sleep for this (as you can see, I get pissy when I'm sleepy/tired)
Sweet Dreams, dreamers!
If you still skipped, go back and read all of it.