Nimi: HERE'S THE HALLOWEEN SHIT! IT'S FROM chantelle210904!
Nagito: For anyone!
Shin: -whispers loudly- ...Cupcake...!
Ryota: Huh?
Nimi: Oh yeah. Our Tech Trio is back to normal, so...
Nagito: For Ryota!
Ryota: Why me?
Nimi: Try and scare all of us.
Ryota: Give me 30 minutes
Everyone: -in a theater-
Izuru: This is gonna be boring
Hajime: Shut up
Nagito: I'm excited for this hope-filled film made by the Ultimate Animator!
Dream: -watching Nagito from a distance-
Nagito: And pray that this film has some of the Hope Video in it for certain girls...
Ryota: -presses play-
Screen: "Welcome..."
Nimi: Fuck me
Everyone: -traumatized and vomiting-
Ryota: -whistling-
Shin: -perfectly normal; light clapping- ...wheel of doom...
Truth: Today's contestant is...I don't care.
Vale: I got normal chocolate's~
Truth: Today's contestant is me
Hajime: Wait I thought you don't care for any-
Nimi: -spins wheel-
Truth: I do have emotions, just I block them out and let whatever take over me
Nekomaru: Deep...
Truth: I don't care
Wheel: -stops-
Everyone: -looks-
Wheel: "Admit Your Crush"
Truth: -bright red- EH?!
Ibuki: Truth-chan is red!
Chisa: I knew it!
Sayaka: Who is it?
Truth: -still red- NO WAY IN HELL I'M TELLING
Nimi: -clears throat-
Truth: NO. STOP
Nimi: It's...
Truth: -tears up- STOP STOP STOP
Kyosuke: -puts sword up to me- She demands to stop. This is quiet rude
Nimi: -giggles; unfazed- I am aware
Kyosuke: -puts sword away-
Truth: -sniffling and looks up at Kyosuke-
Kyosuke: -pets Truth-
Truth: -lightly blushes-
Truth: -bright red- NO I DON'T
Hiyoko: That's low! Ew! -giggles-
Juzo: -resisting to punch Truth-
Nimi: -smashes camera-
[Shizuko Ishimaru & Kiyotaka Ishimaru 97/100]
[Ultimate Yandere Housemaid 41/50]
[Ultimate Cutting Board 9/10]
[Sweet Eater 8/15]
[Peko The Bunny 7/10]
[Booty Booty Butt Butt 6/15]
[Dangan Ib 5/20]
[Garry The Crossdresser 5/20]
[Nagito's Loving Sin 4/10]
[APH Peko 3/10]
[Izzy's Honest Now 1/10] AFTER THESE UPDATES