Dare #287

223 4 12

Nimi: From Pokeheart909!


Hajime: For all of us

Everyone: WHAT

Nimi: Let's watch the food scene of Episode 2 in Despair Arc


Hajime: This happened?!

Izuru: ...

Fuyuhiko: I thought we all agreed to never talk about this ever again

Makoto: HOPE -floating-

Hajime: Why the hell does Nagito look like a Host?

Class 77: ....

Chisa: U-um...

Kyosuke: When did this happen?!

Nimi: I wish I was there, then I would be laughing at everyone because I wouldn't eat the food.

Dream: Master~

Vale: Love~

Seira: -blushing- C-captain...

Sin: -drooling- Prince...~

Truth: -poker face- Meh

Shizuko: -fainted-

Kiyotaka: -holding her; blushing brightly- SOMEONE GET FIRST AID

Nimi: If one of you becomes our Dare #300, I may or may not do a dare that no one has done yet, and the winner has to dare for it, after the pack of updates. 

Dream: She's saying, after the updates, for the next set of updates, she'll be doing the winner's dare.

Vale: And you're all limited to 4 asks and 4 dares.

Seira: We pray that you all can count

Sin: F-future winner, keep the dare PG-13

Truth: It can be an extended version of the kings game or anything else you want.

5 Nimi's: Good Luck~

Nimi: -smashes camera-

[Shizuko Ishimaru & Kiyotaka Ishimaru 54/100]

[Ultimate Despair 46/50]

[Lucksters Switch 13/20]

[Ultimate Honesty Still Doesn't Care 11/50]

[Makotoooooooooooo 10/15]

[The Ultimate Despairing Housemaid 7/10]

Ask Or Dare Dangan Ronpa: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now