Nimi: -staring at screen-
Kyoko: -looks over shoulder- Isn't that the cover for book 4?
Nimi: Yup. I finished coloring, still need the facial expressions
Nagito: -kicks me out of the room-
Kazuichi: What the hell was that
Chiaki: -still playing borderlands 2- It's from Pokeheart909.
Nagito: For Izuru
Fuyuhiko: That didn't answer our question!
Izuru: What is it?
Hajime: Kiss Nimi passionately. Damn she managed to get people to ship you two
Izuru: -hides in the corner- I respect her bubble
Dream: I won't cut you
Izuru: -leaves- Where is she
Dream: -being held back-
Gozu: -holding her back-
Nagito: Let's follow them
Makoto: But we have memes to do -holding up phone and opened the Vine app-
Nagito: Memes do come first
Hajime: I'm doing the stunts -holds up skateboard-
Chiaki: Send me the vines on Twitter
Makoto: Sure thing!
Mahiru: I'm surrounded by idiots
Kyoko: At least Makoto was there during our killing game
Mahiru: Yup
Nimi: -listening to Crazy = Genius since I'm literally listening to on repeat as I write all of these updates- IF CRAZY EQUALS GENIUS THEN I'M A FUCKING ARSONIST
Izuru: -taps- Nimi
Nimi: -pauses music- One does not simple pause a P!ATD song
Izuru: If I was a piece of artwork, would you look at me?
Nimi: Well, you are Ultimate Hope, so I see why not
Izuru: Cause I'm looking at art right now too
Nimi: What
Izuru: -kisses while doing the dip thing-
Nimi: -bright red-
Ibuki: -pops out of bush- IBUKI SHIPS HOPES AND DREAMS
Hela: -smashes camera with sledge hammer-
[Ultimate Pokemon & Bill Mitarai 31/85]
[Ultimate Couples 30/30]
[No Sweets 29/40]
[Non-Killer Killer 28/30]
[Merry Christmas! 6/55 DAYS]
[No Weapons 14/30]
[The Silent Ultimate Housekeeper 13/20]
[IT'S NOT A PHASE 11/15]
[No Food 11/20]
[COD 10/20]
[Let's Not Wear Skirts Please 9/10]
[Let's Plays 5/25]
[Immunity 3/5]