Love Complications ~ Chapter 1

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It all started when Chase started dating Chelsea, that's when everything went downhill between Chase and I. But on the other hand, if it wasn't for that incident i wouldn't have been discovered. Ishould probably start from the beginning so you can understand where i am coming from.


"Ugh, what's so amazing this time, i bet you anything that Chelsea got new highlights or something like that and everyone just has to get the same. I swear, everything revolves around her."

Missy just giggled.

That's what i love about Missy, i have finally found somone who actually thinks the same why i do, and also finds me humorous, haha. Yet i still couldn't believe Chase was dating this chick, i mean Chelsea is just wiht him because he made Quarter-back on the football team and it was 'rule' that the head cheerleader and quarter-back got together.


"O, sorry missy i blanked out again didn't i?"

"yeah, you did, so what do you wanna eat?"

"uhhhh, i guess i will have, Greek salad like always."

"geez, you don't need to keep going with you 'health ways' you gotta start living sometime Kate."

"haha, whatever missy, just get it for me please, while i quickly get a table for us."

I wander wherechase is, he usually sits with us during lunch, even though Chelsea hates it, which i like and Chase knows it. O goody, Chelsea is about to humiliate someone else today, i wander who her victim will be today. I hate how it is alway the smart people i mean they never did anything to hurt her, she just does it out of boredom. Dumb people, i wander how they get along in life.

I wasn't bothered to stay around and find out who it was so i just went back to my locker to put my stuff away and met missy there. We were just walking in the doors of the cafeteria, when someone started singing a song that sounded quite familiar to me.

"O baby, why can't you see, she's no good for you.......there's gonna be someone out there better for you and i'm hoping i can be the one.......i will be waiting for yooooou."


"Ladies and Gentlemen, the famous somgwriter of the song that i just played for you..........KATARINA!"

I blushed instantly. I was so embarrassed that i ran straight to the bathrooms to just sulk and think of how she got her, low-life lying hands, on MY song book. It finally occurred to me that Chase gave it to her, he was the only one I had ever shown my songs to, the only person who I ever showed where i hide the book. I was so upset that he would show my feelings and songs to Chelsea, anyone else and i wouldn't have been this angry but, Chelsea out of all people he showed it too.

I ditched school straight after the bell went for 4th period, i didn't want to see Chase anymore, i wanted him to be erased from my life. As soon as i got home i went straight to my room to see if my song book was in its hiding place, under the floorboard in my cupboard. As soon as i opened the door i noticed the floorboard missing, i screamed in frustration.


I hung up as soon as i saw his name. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to call me after what happened during lunch. For the rest of the day I wasa laying on my bed crying my heart out from all the pain that Chelsea and Chase had caused me today.


Seeing as she didn't do anything to make me upset i answered.

"Kate, where are you? You're either in trouble or not in the school grounds because you never miss P.E."

"I came home Missy, I didn't want to see them anymore i want them erased from my life. They took it Missy, as soon as i got home I checked where i keep my song book and the floor board was up and out of place, I can't believe Chase did this, he was the only one i told where it was hidden."

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be ok, you don't have to bump into them or anything such as see them or stay in contact with them, just please, come back."

"I'm sorry I can't Missy, it scares me, now the whole school knows my song that i wrote, it was special to me Missy, that's why i have never sang it to anyone, i will call you when decisions have been made."

"OK, i will talk to you later Kate, love you, bye."

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