Love Comlications ~ Chapter 6

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“Goodbye Chase, I love you!”

“Yeah, whatever, love you too.”

This was it, I was finally going to see Katarina, after all the time that she has been in California. I have been thinking for a while what I was going to say to her, hell, I don’t even know if she even wants to see me after what happened. I don’t know how to explain to her, that I didn’t show Chelsea that song book of hers.


“Hi baby.”


“Where, are you, you aren’t at school.”

“O, I’m just heading to California early. Its ok I will see you soon.”

“Why you heading out early?”

“Just, so I can help Ms Banks with the setting up of the party, and buy a present for Katarina.”

“Well ok, love you.”

“Yeah, you too.”

I was planning to do it today, but I just didn’t have the guts to do it over the phone to her. All she wants from me is her popularity, I really need to break up with Chelsea. Once I got the airport, I got an iced coffee,  I know it doesn’t sound manly, but, Kate got me into the habit of having it, a few years back. Once my boarding call for plane was called on the big speaker, I started to get nervous, but, I couldn’t turn back now.


“So Missy, what should we do today. I don’t care what we do but I am going for my morning jog, so make yourself at home, your welcome to come if you’d like.”

“Nah that’s ok, I think I might catch up with your mum.”

“HA! Yeah, whatever. See you later.”

“K, bye!”

Finally she is out of the house. Now it is time to set up for the party. For the next hour myself and Ms Banks were setting up for the party. Until it was nearly discovered. When Kate got home, I dragged out of the house for some coffee and then a movie marathon. That took the rest of the day up.

…………CALLING……….Jerk face

“What do you want Chase?”

“I just wanted to know where you are. I just arrived in California, I have no idea where the house is and no idea on how to get there.”

“WHAT!? Why the hell are you here already! Why didn’t you just wait until everyone else came?”

“Because I wanted to help set up and I needed to get her a present, that reminds me, what should I get her?”

“Hang on, I am on my way to the airport now.”

“K, see you soon.”


I have no idea on how to keep Kate out of the house.

“Kate, I am so sorry but I have to go, I need to go and get some stuff from the shops. But I am begging you, please do not go into the house. You spend too much time dedicating yourself to your family and work. Go shopping or something like that I will come and pick you up.”


“Good, I will see you soon.”


That was a close one.


I was starting to get really nervous that Kate would see me before the party started. Luckily, before I looked for the next flight out of here, Missy turned up in a limousine.

“Thank god you’re here, I was about to turn around and leave.”

“Well, I should have taken my time then.”

“Ha-ha, very funny, can I ask why you are picking me up in a limousine?”

“Well, I was with Kate when you rang and we got there from her limousine so I had to take it her to get you.”

“O, wait, did she here me talking to you?”

“No I don’t think so, she didn’t say anything.”

“OK, whatever, wait, you have to help ,me pick out a present for her, I don’t know what she is into lately, since, you know that thing that Chelsea did, and don’t worry I am planning to break up with her soon.”

“Good, you deserve better.”

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