Chapter 6-7: Oh no... Not happening

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I woke up with a nice and energizing sunshine. It's Sunday and I have to practice swimming. The road is busy today so I used my bike. It's been years since I last rode this bike.

It feels so nice to feel the wind blow through my face and feel the sweet sunshine against my skin. I love this feeling.

I park my bike in front of the building and I went to the bathroom to wear my swimsuit. After that, I went to the poolside to listen to my coach's instructions.

"Go and make 10 rounds around the pool." Couch Martin said.

"Yes coach" I replied.

I grab my goggles and wear my headcap.

After doing the rounds, I quickly plunge into the pool and feel the cool water.

How nice and refreshing it feels to move under the water.

I love how the water of the pool tingles my skin.

I love the water looks blue.

I love how I extend my arms and breathe the oxygen in the surface as I stretch my head sidewards.

I love this feeling.

I made five 100-meter freestyle today to boost my resistance. It will be an advantage for me if I ever join a tournament.

"New record Lucy!" My coach said.

Yes! I said in my head. I feel like a queen. I feel like nothing's ever gonna stop me.

"Excellent. Just keep on practicing for the future tournaments."

"Yes coach." I said as I wipe my face with a towel. I removed my goggles and headcap.

"And don't forget to eat plenty of bananas. You wouldn't want a nasty cramp in a 10-feet pool." He said and I do a couple more laps.

I thank him when I left. It's 5:00 in the afternoon and the road is running along smoothly.

It's so cold. Too cold. I only have my jacket and shorts on. I unlock my bike and quickly drive to the house.

"Im home." I said. Then I quickly rush to the kitchen and eat my dinner. Nana's dishes are the best, I said in my mind. After doing my homeworks, I hurried off to the bathroom and have a quick shower.

I watch a little TV and and sink myself to my soft and cozy bed. I hide beneath my thick blanket. It feels so cold yet comfortable. Just like a warm hug of an angel. It's so nice. And the last thing I saw was my pillow.

* * *

It's Sunday so I have to buy some groceries. I'm on budget so I have to make a checklist.

THINGS TO BUY *Bread *Pasta *Ketchup *Cereal *Corned beef *Fresh milk *Coffee *Sugar *Butter *Bacon *Shampoo *Shower gel *Lotion

Well, that's what I need. I hired a taxi to the grocery. The road is busy again. Damn it. I have $200 on my wallet so I need to be wise and practical.

I go to the dairy section first to get some fresh milk and butter.

Next is the bread, pasta, ketchup, sugar, and coffee.

Then to the meat section to grab some bacon and corned beef.

Lastly, to the body products to get some shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel.

My eyes flickered when I saw a promo beside the dairy section.

Oh my gosh!? Im so surprised to see an 80% off fruit shaker! Man, these things are expensive like hell.

I was alarmed when there's only one left. God, I have to get this.

I ran and ran and ran to the stall. I'm near it. So close so close. I said...

"Mine!!!" while holding the shaker.

No wait.

WE said it in unison. Who could that be?

But wait... This seems wrong.

An unfamilliar hand is also holding the shaker. I look up and......


He's here. He's actually here!! Standing in front of me and holding the same object too.

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