Chapter 12: Tension

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"What the hell's happening in here?" he says.

I shiver when I hear his voice.

Anthone. And his gang.

Holy macaroni.

I quickly stand up ang fix myself.

Dave did the same thing and held my hand so I won't lose my balance.

"Answer me asshole." Anthone comes closer to Dave.

"Is she Gwen's substitute?"

Gwen? Who is she? Is she related to Anthone? To Dave? Who is Gwen? Is she who I think she is?

I stare at both of them while thinking about this Gwen.

Dave stares at Anthone ignoring his question. His eyes are full with hatred.

I think and think and think and think...

Oh uh. Is it possible that she's...

"Tssss.." Anthone says. "Just as I thought."

"This.. This has nothing to do with Gwen." Dave backfires

"Then tell me what this all about?" Anthone says.

"It's none of your business." Dave says. "Lucy just stumbled and I caught her then she landed on my chest.."

I do nothing. I say nothing. I just stare at the icy floor.

"Let's go Lucy." Dave says.

I'm still thinking of Gwen. I walk and follow Dave.

But Anthone snatches my arm and my heart beats fast.

His grip is so tight. Unlike Dave, he holds me like an animal. I struggle a little bit. I'm powerless against him. Then he stares at me like he's about to warn me.

"Choose who you flirt with." Anthone says. "Know him well and don't go crying like a little girl when you find out about what happened before. You think he's a good guy but he's not. He's a player. He--"

Dave grabs my other hand and cut off Anthone.

"Let go of her or I'll show you and your friends hell." Dave says furiously.

Anthone let go of me and said. "Fine. I just warned your little substitute about you." He backs away from us. "Let's go." he tells his friends.

"I'm sorry about that." Dave says. "Whatever Anthone said to you isn't true. Don't believe in what he's saying. He just wants you to think bad things about me."

I know right. Anthone was just messing up with me. Dave is a gentleman, kind and a caring person. Anthone is just the opposite.

But I'm still a little bit curious about the last line Anthone said.

What heppened before.

We head to the parking lot. I still don't say a word.

Dave opens his car door for me. And drives off.




Ugh... 3 minutes passed and still we don't say a word.

"Um.." Dave mutters. "Um.. Do you wanna eat?"

"No. I'm alright." I smile a little bit. But I still look down. The incident a while ago still doesn't get off my mind. I have a lot of questions in my mind right now. And I don't want them to be kept unanswered.

Gwen. What happened before. He's a player. You think he's a good guy

"You know what?" Dave says. And I startle.

"Hmm?" I say and look at him.

"You smell sweet." And he smiles.

Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub.

My eyes grow big (O_O) and I stare at him. I'm super duper shocked and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

"E--eh?" I say nervously.

"I like it. Seriously." he says. "Strawberry and Vanilla scent."

I feel my cheeks blush and look at the window.


Lalalalalalalalalalala.*Lub dub lub dub lub dub lub dub lub dub lub dub lub dub lub dub lub dub lub dub.*

And my heart goes... Whoops kiri whoops kiri whoops...

Ahh!!! I'm going crazy!! >____<

When I calm myself down from that sudden compliment, I look at him and say, "Um, thank you. Hehe."

Eeeeeeeeek. -o-

Minutes passed and we finally reached my house.

"Thank you for today." I say nicely. "I had fun." And I smile at him.

"No problem." he says. "And sorry once again. Good night." he waves his hand goodbye and drives off the road.

My eyes follow his car until he's out of my sight. I turn around and smile. ---> ^o^ hihihihihi.

I can't control my smile so Nana noticed.

"Something good happened to day, sweetie?" She says gently and laughs a little.

"Oh nothing Nana." But I still smile no matter how hard I hold back.

"Oh really?" Nana says. "Hmmm... We'll see. Haha."

I eat my dinner and hurry to my room. I close my bedroom door and lean against it. And smile, smile smile. --->( ^__^)

I smell myself to know if he's telling the truth. Eeek. It really smells like strawberry and vanilla. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... (^__^) then I plunge myself to my warm bed.

The things that Anthone said a while ago gradually disappears in my head.

You smell sweet. I like it seriously. Strawberry and Vanilla. Hihihihihi. :">

I roll over my bed ---> :'> ^.^ <':

(That's how I roll. Hahahahaha.)

I take a bath and think of the Retreat. I'm super excited and I can't wait.

After I take a shower, I lay down my bed and stare at the ceiling thinking about Dave. I let myself imagine not-that-impossible stuff with him.

Thinking he'll like me too.

Thinking we'll be campmates on the upcomic Retreat.

Thinking we'll be together in one tent and-- EEEEEEEEH!! What am I thinking?! Erase, erase, erase. *Shake my head shake my head. But I still can't help to smile.

I feel my eyes heavy. I'm already sleepy. I take a quick glance in my calendar.

2 days 'til the Retreat. Weeee.


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