Chapter 15

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"Ugh Marcelo! Well thanks for telling me, I'm going to go talk to him. Wish me luck"

"Good luck" I hung up my phone and took a breath. Brace yourself Melanie, you'll be fine, I think.

I walked into the living room to see Toni with the tv off. He probably overheard mine and Marcelo's conversation over the phone.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sat down on the couch next to him.

"It was too soon and I didn't know how too" He doesn't even look at me.

"I'm your older brother, I thought we told each other everything" I sighed.

"I know we do, but this was one of the hardest things to tell you since your so against me dating your teammates, I tried telling you but I was just to scared too" 

"Was this going on before I said I didn't have a problem with you dating my teammates now?"

"Yes" I nodded.


"Toni look I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm sorry I lied to you and I'm sorry that I like one of your teammates, I can't change the way I feel about Sergio"

"I know you can't control your feelings for someone, but it just bothers me that you lied straight to my face" he raised his voice. Oh hell no!

"I already apologized Toni what else do you want me to do?" I snapped. I stood up from the couch. I can't stand when people raise their voice at me so I do the same thing back.

"Hey Kroos siblings! We brought food!" Gareth, Isco, and Alvaro were standing by the door. "I'm guessing this isn't the right time? I told you Isco we should of knocked and waited outside first" Gareth slapped Isco's arm.

"It's okay guys. We can talk some other time" I looked at Toni and he didn't say anything, he just got up and went to his room.

"We are sooooo sorry we intruded"

"It's fine Gareth" I assured him. "Now what did you guys bring to eat? I'm starving"

"Chinese food!" I love my Chinese food. We sat down, ate our food, and talked about random funny stuff. I tried to forget about mine and my brothers argument but I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Mel? Melanie? Melanie Kroos" I looked up to see the 3 boys staring at me.

"Sorry I was just daydreaming" I apologized.

"It sounded like a huge argument, do you want to talk about it?" Gareth slapped Alvaro's arm.

"That's none of your business" I heard Gareth whisper to Alvaro but his "whisper" wasn't really a whisper.

"My brother can be so hard sometimes and it pisses me off. As you guys probably know Sergio and I are dating and-"

"Wait! Sergio and you are dating? When?" Isco seemed surprise.

"Isco shut up and let Mel talk" Gareth said and then nodded asking me to continue.

"And you know how Toni is when his sister talks about his teammates in a certain way, well I lied to him. I never told him about Sergio and I. We kept it a secret for a little while until I had the guts to tell my brother about us, but he found out first by someone else and don't ask who because I don't know who the snitch is" they all said not me at the same time which caused me to giggle.

"We are sorry and we hope that you solve things with your brother" Gareth replied.

"I hope so"

2  W E E K S  L A T E R

It's been 2 weeks and my brother and I haven't talked since the whole argument. They played their first champions league game Wednesday and they won 2-1 against Sporting which was good.

I was making myself something to eat since I was hungry. Toni was in the living room on his phone. It's always so quiet around here now and I hate it. My phone started ringing and without looking at the caller ID I answered.

"Hola amor!" I heard Sergio's voice at the other end. I put it on speaker and placed my phone on the counter next to me since I needed both of my hands to cook.

"Hey babe! What's up?"

"Nothing I just wanted to hear your lovely voice again" I smiled.

"You really know how to put a smile on my face" he laughed.

"I know I do, do you want to do something today with me and the boys"

"Yeah sure! What are you guys doing?"

"We are just having a little get together at Cris' house so I'll pick you up at 5"

"Sounds good. I'll be waiting"

"I'll see you later amor"

"See you later babe!"

"I love you" it took me by surprise.

"I love you too" I responded.


I wrote this chapter then I re-wrote it because I thought it was stupid. Well hope you like it! Vote & comment please.

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Sorry about that but I need to get motivated to write more.

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