Chapter 23

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We just looked into each others eyes. We were so close to each other. We were just laying there looking at each other which felt like forever. He then he picked his head up and leaned in...

"James let's go!" My brother yelled from downstairs. We both turned away from each other then James got up from my bed. I sat up waiting for James to say something but he didn't he just walked out. I just sat there looking down at my hands. I really wanted to kiss him, but of course someone had to interrupt. I have such bad luck.

"I forgot something" I looked up and James was coming straight to me. He then grabbed my face and kissed me. I was so surprised but kissed back. He then pulled away and smiled. "I'll see you later!" I nodded and he walked away. Wow! That was amazing.


I kissed her. I been wanting to kiss her again since that time at the cafe about 3 months ago. It felt good to finally do it again.

"Alright boys time for some laps then you guys are free to go" Zidane said. I started running by myself then Cris came next to me and started running the same speed as me.

"Why are so happy today?" He asked.

"What are you talking about? I'm always like this everyday" I said picking up my speed to stay away from all the others so they can't eavesdrop on our conservation.

"No you're not! Ever since Melanie left you been kind of down and today you're not" he looked a little confused.

"Well I guess I got used to her not being her anymore" I replied hoping he would shut up.

"No I don't think so! She's back isn't she?" He grinned.

"No!" I picked up my pace and ran faster.

"Yes! You're trying to avoid this conversation that's why you keep picking up your pace" ugh why does he always know everything?

"Fine okay she's back but please don't say anything! I'm the only person that knows from our team well besides Toni" he nodded and looked at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"I was waiting for you to ask if I wanted to see her" he said in a duh tone.

"Okay Cris, do you want to see Mel today?"

"Of course! Thanks for inviting me" he then picked up his pace and left me behind. Now I have to tell Toni that Cris knows about Melanie coming back to Madrid.


I was watching tv when I heard the garage door open meaning my brother was back from training. I looked in that direction and saw my brother and James and Cris. Great now he knows too.

"Melanie!" He yelled and ran up to me practically jumping on me since I was laying down in the couch. "I missed you  so much and I'm so happy you decided to come back" he hugged me.

"Good to see you too Cris" I looked at Toni and made a face like 'why did you tell him I was back' and he pointed to James and James gave me an apologetic look. I mouthed 'it's fine' to James and he gave me a smile back.

"So how was Germany?" Cris pulled away from our hug and looked at me.

"It was good, I really needed that break from Madrid. I got to see my family and an old friend" I smiled.

"That's good!" He smiled also. "So how long are you planning to keep this whole thing a secret?" He asked and I actually had no idea.

"I have no idea" I responded.

"I can't believe you were planning on not telling me. Why tell James and not me?" he touched his heart.

"I'm sorry Cris but to be honest I wasn't going to tell James either but Toni is a blabber mouth and told him. I was surprised when he showed up at the airport with James"

" you just got here today?" He look confused.

"Yeah" He made an O shape with his mouth then he phone started ringing me and he answered walking to the kitchen to get privacy.

"Sorry about telling Cris" James said.

"It's okay! I mean it could of been worse" I responded and James gave me a confused look. "You could of told Isco or Alvaro and we all know they have quiet the blabber mouth" I laughed.

"Awkward!" James said looking at Toni.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I might have told Isco and Isco spilled the news to Alvaro" you got to be kidding me.

"Wow! Might as well just go to each one of their houses and tell everyone I'm back" I said sarcastically.


Chapter 23 done
Next update will be Thursday(:

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