Chapter 25

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Before we headed into the locker room after our warm-up I looked over at James to see him looking up at the private boxes and catching something practically invisible. I looked up at the private box he was looking at and I couldn't believe what I saw. I rubbed my eyes just in case I was seeing stuff, but I wasn't. She actually came back. I was very happy she came back but at the same time I was upset/mad because no one had told me and because she was holding James' daughter and blowing kisses at James. Melanie didn't see me looking at her because she was too busy blowing kisses at James and laughing.

"James!" I yelled at him. He looked at me with shock. I know I wasn't suppose to know that Melanie was back thats why he was so shocked. I pointed over to the tunnel telling him we are heading back into the locker rooms. He nodded his head and jogged past me and went into the tunnel not saying a word to me. I looked up at Melanie one last time before I jogged into the tunnel as well.


Salome was sitting on my lap while we watched the players come out. She was so excited to watch her dad play. She was clapping and chanting his name. She was so adorable.

"Hey Melanie! I have to go. Can you watch her then after the game you can give her to James since she will be staying with him for a few weeks"

"Yeah of course!" She said thank you and gave me and Salome a hug before leaving. I wonder what was that all about. That's none of my business though.

The game ended and we had won 3-0 with goals by Kova, Cris, and Alvaro. I was super proud of them. I grabbed Salome's hand and walked to the locker rooms. I turned a corner and bumped into someone which caused me to almost fall, but I kept my balance barely.

"Watch where you're fucking going!" I was taken a back what that person said to me. I looked up and saw Georgina. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "Bitch!" I heard Georgina whisper pretty loud. She's so damn lucky I'm with a little girl and I couldn't go off on her. ( I don't have anything against Georgina I think she's beautiful and she makes Cris happy and if Cris is happy I'm happy. Sorry to make her a villain in this story.)

I waited by the locker room for James to come out. I waited for like 10 minutes then Isco came out. "Isco can you tell James to hurry up" he nodded and went back inside. Isco then came back out.

"He said to give him about 5 minutes more" I thanked him then he left. It's been a little over 5 minutes and I was getting really impatient. James poked his head out the door.

"I just need to put on my shoes, I'll be right out" I nodded and waited.

"Papi takes forever" Salome said and I can tell she was getting impatient also.

"I know he does. Just wait a little longer" she nodded. I was grabbed my phone and started scrolling down Instagram.

"Melanie! Can we talk?" Sergio appeared in front of the locker room.

"I can't right now, I can't leave Salome alone and the 3 of us have plans later" I lied. I didn't want to talk to him yet.

"How about tomorrow? You can come over around the afternoon and we'll talk then"

"Okay" I was nervous to talk to him. I just have to prepare myself for tomorrow.

"What was that all about?" I turned around and saw James.

"Papi!" Salome yelled and James picked her up and hugged her.

"Mi Princesa" He kisses her on the cheek. Ugh he's so cute. I love seeing guys with their daughters, it just melts my heart.

"So are you going to tell me?" He asked again.

"Yeah...umm...he asked if we could talk tomorrow at his house"

"Are you gonna go?"

"Yes. I can't keep on ignoring him. We're going to have to talk someday"


I like Melanie a lot. She's going to talk to Sergio tomorrow and what if they make up. I would lose my chance with her again. I need to tell her how I feel before she goes to Sergio's house tomorrow.

"Okay I get it. I will be taking you home since I told Toni to not wait up for you" she nodded then we walked to my car. I put Salome in her car seat and we drove off.

"Thank you for driving me home" she smiled. Oh how I love seeing her smile.

"Oh no problem" I smiled back. She was about to get off my car until I stopped her.

"Do you want to go out tonight? I was thinking maybe we can go get dinner and go to the beach" I asked.

"Yeah that sounds fun" she responded.

"Great! I'll pick you up in 2 hours" she nodded then shut the car door. I smiled to myself. First step done now second step is to tell her how I feel.

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