Chapter 17

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I found my seat and sat down. Today was the boys first champions league game. They were playing against Sporting CP. I watched the players warm up. Occasionally some Real Madrid fans would come up to me and ask if I was Toni's sister and of course I would say yes, then they would ask me for a picture and I gladly agreed.

The game was about to start and the players stepped out of the tunnel. I was super excited and hopefully the boys pulled out 3 points out of this.


The game ended in a 2-1 victory. It was really nerve recking since we were down 1-0 mostly all second half. Then Cristiano's amazing free kick tied the game then a couple minutes later Morata scores. I was really proud of all them. I decided to walk down to the locker rooms to congratulate them all.

I gave my brother a hug and congratulated him. He was still really sweaty and smelly but I didn't mind he's my brother after all. I found Cris and I ran up to him and jumped on his back.

"Congrats on the win and your free kick goal!" I said still holding onto him.

"It was amazing huh" he chuckled. I got off of his back to face him.

"It was decent. D-D-D-D-D-D-Decent" I laughed. "Oliver Giroud reference" ( I posted the video, skip to 0:30 seconds to see that part)

"Ha ha very funny. Do you know him?"

"No he was my celebrity crush back in the day but he's not anymore"

"You like Olivier Giroud" He said surprised.

"No not now, I used to. Used to means back like in the past" I said getting this straight.

"I heard Olivier Giroud!! Talking shit about our teammates?" Karim said bringing Varane to the conversation as well.

"Little Mel here has a crush on him" Cris smirked. I gave him a glare.

"I just told you I didn't anymore! It was back in the day" I said once again. Gosh does Cris ever listen?

"Hey Sergio!" Cris called Sergio over. Omg I'm going to kill him.

"Did you know your girlfriend has a crush on Olivier Giroud the Frenchman" I rolled my eyes.

"That's no competition though" Sergio said looking at me.

"Mate, he was voted the most attractive footballer in the premier league" Karim said.

"Well I was voted the most attractive footballer in Europe, so who wins?" Sergio smirked.

"Says who?" Cris questioned. "If anything that would be me"

"What do you say Melanie? Me or Cris?" Sergio asked.

"Mate that's not fair, she's going to say you" I looked at both of them. I really didn't want to choose. I looked past them to see James sitting on the bench looking down at his phone.

"James!" I walked past the boys and made my way to him. Cris and Sergio were confused and Karim started laughing.

"Mate I think she picked James over you too" he kept laughing causing Sergio to punch his arm.

"Well I guess James has that charm" Cris said. I rolled my eyes not listening to their conversation anymore.

"Congrats on the win today" I hugged him. He thanked me.

"I only played for 15 minutes"

"Yeah but you made that amazing cross straight to Alvaro"

"You right" he became all cocky and I laughed.

"Melanie!" I looked at the direction my name was because my called and it was Sergio. He was telling me to go over to him.

"I have to go. Bye James" I gave him one last hug then made my way where Sergio was waiting for me.


"We're leaving" We walked to out of the stadium and into his car. The drive was very silent. What was wrong with him?

"Where are we going?"

"My house" he said. He looked mad or something.

"Sergio is there something wrong? You should be happy, you just won your first champions league game this season" I kept his eyes on the road not even looking at me. It took about a minute for him to respond.

"I don't want you to talk to James" I was shocked. That's what this was all about?

"What!!!Why?!?!" I snapped.

"Because I know he has feeling for you and I don't want him getting in the way of our relationship" he snapped too.

"You don't trust me?" He didn't say anything. I just stared at him but it looked like he was going to say something anytime soon. "I'm done. Take me home now!" We almost were at his house but he obeyed and turned the car around.

He parked in front my driveway. I got out and slammed the door behind me. I got my keys out and unlocked the door.

"You scared me, I thought you were going to be an intruder or something" he laughed. "Why are you back so early? Aren't you suppose to be with your boyfriend?"

"We got into an argument on our way to his house" I rolled my eyes.

"What about? You can tell me anything" he pat the seat next to him where he was sitting on the couch. I sat next to him.

"He doesn't want me talking to James" he look confused.


"He says that he knows that he has feeling for me and he doesn't want him getting in the way of our relationship. How stupid is that!"

"He doesn't trust you or something?"

"That's what I asked and he never responded so I told him to drop me off here and that's pretty much it"

"I could talk to him" he offered.

"No it's fine. When he's ready to actually talk then we'll talk" I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm going to bed, night Tone" I got up and went to my room.


Chapter 17 done 
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