Chapter 24

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So my plan to not let anyone know I'm back in Madrid completely failed. Certain people have blabber mouths and can't keep a secret even if their life depended on it. So right now I was sitting in a private box with the Real Madrid family members watching Real Madrid play Real Sociedad. It was the beginning of the second round of La Liga and we had to get 3 points. I was watching the Real Madrid players warm up when a girl with long black hair sat next to me. I had no idea who she was but I was going to talk to her anyways. I had no female friends to gossip with so why not talk to her. I was about to turn to her to start a conversation but she beat me to it.

"Hi! I'm Georgina" she stretched her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Melanie" I smiled and shook her hand.

"I'm very curious of who you are here for" She asked looking at the players warm up. I remember Toni telling me that Cristiano has a girlfriend now and he told me her name but I completely forgot all I know it started with a G and he told me she was a total bitch. Maybe it is her. I got an idea.

"I'm here for Cristiano, who are you here for?" I looked at her and her face was priceless. She looked mad as hell and she looked like she was ready to slap me. I swear if she slaps me she best believe she will catch these hands. I looked past her and saw Daniela and Salome walk in. I was debating if I should go over to them because I couldn't sit by Georgina the whole game. I got up from my seat and touched Georgina's shoulders.

"I was just joking. Cristiano is all yours, I'm here for my brother" I said and walked to Daniela and Salome.

"Hey! Pretty girls!" I said and Daniela just laughed. I hugged her and picked up Salome. Daniela and I talked a few times before and she was really nice. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good thanks. How are you? I heard you went back to Germany for a couple months"

"I'm good. Yeah I did go back and I really needed it because I missed being there" She was about to say something but her phone started ringing. She took it out of her bag and excused herself out of the room. I was still holding Salome in my arms while she looked out to the pitch. (Pretend that James wasn't injured and he was going to play)

"Papi!" She pointed at James. "Vamos Papi! Vamos Papi! Vamos Papi!" She kept saying which made me smile. She was so cute! I looked at James and it seemed like he knew I was looking at him since he turned around and looked up at Salome and I. Salome started blowing kisses at him and James pretended to catch them and put them on his heart. Salome then grabbed my hand and put it up to my mouth telling me to blow kisses at him. I laughed but then blew one kiss to him. He caught it and put it to his heart just like he did to Salome's kisses. He then jogged into the tunnels since the game was about to start.


Seeing Melanie holding Salome made my heart melt. Salome really likes Melanie and I'm pretty sure Melanie really likes Salome too. Melanie will make a great mother someday...

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