Tagged Yet Again...

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*sighs* So N7Warlord you thought you could best me by tagging me

Well guess again...

1) What is my favorite theme song from anything? The theme song from The Bjg Bang Theory

2) How do I like my life so far? Well I have two answers for this and I'll just go with the happy enthusiastic one and say my life is good

3) If I could go back in time and change history what would I change? I don't think I'd change anything. We are where at today because of history and if we try to change it history will find a way for it to happen

4) If I could bring one weapon with me anywhere without any consequences what would it be? Well I would carry a sword with me because swords are f**king awesome!!!!

5) If I had to kill one of my friends to save my family who would it be? If I had to kill one of my friends to save my family I would kill... Let's just call him Jonathan...Jonathan.

BAM N7Warlord DONE!!!!

I nominate :





And anyone else that would like to do it

Your questions are:

1) What's your favorite animal?

2) What's your favorite book/ book series?

3) What was your ultimate favorite childhood TV show?

4) Where is your dream wedding(girls include a dress you would want(I'm watching the show Say Yes To The Dress so yeah sorry about this one))?

5) If you could live in any time period when would you like to live?

Cheesy Joke:

Did you hear the joke about the roof? Never mind, it's over your head!

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