Ch. 7 New House

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Chapter 7 New House

(Jerome's POV)

I was beckoned to come in by Finn, one of the kids I was driving.

The house was large, with a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. On the second floor, it looked a lot like Team Crafted's, a 2nd walk-in living room with a room that connected to it. Then there was a short hallway with 3 rooms. One on the left, one on the right and one at the end of the hallway.

"Hey Quentin! What're you doing here?" I asked, surprised. "The dog next to this house got out and ran into that girl's legs." He answered with his thumb pointing over his shoulder at a girl who looked about 19. A boy who looked about her age had her head on his lap, and was stroking her hair. I nodded slowly in understandment.

(Laura's POV)

I explored the new house, seeing all of its features.

After exploring, I claimed the room at the end of the hallway as mine. I opened the door and found Mark, Finn, Brittany and Talia sitting on the bed, texting each other. I decided to join them and pulled out my iPhone. I tapped on an app that let me and my other friends text with each other as a group, and joined the Minecrafted text room.

(Text Messages)

Lauracraft has joined the chat.

Brittanycraft: hey!

Finncraft: sup

Markcraft: hi Laura!

Taliacraft: heeyyy grl!!!!

Me: Hi guys!

Brittanycraft: r u rooming wt us?

Me: As long as you guys don't mind.

Finncraft: its fine with us, rite

Markcraft: ya

Brittanycraft: uhhu

Taliacraft: yea grl! u can room!

Finncraft: Talia, ur too peppy

Taliacraft: srrryyy, Finn!

Me: Alright. I'm gonna go get my stuff.

I turned my phone off and walked downstairs to grab my suitcase.

(Allison's POV)

I was in a black space that seemed to be an endless void. It pulled me into a trance, and as I walked closer, I began to hear some voices. Ethan's voice was one of them, but I couldn't quite make out the other.

Suddenly, I bumped into a wall that showed me what was going on while I was unconscious. Ethan was talking with someone from Team Crafted. I could hear slightly, but most of the dialog muffled. All I heard was Ethan say 'Team Crafted' and that was really it.

Then I heard him say 'How- pixelmon' and narrowed it down to five people. Jerome, Mitch, Ty, Ian or Quentin was talking with him.

Then, Ethan exclaimed 'Over 50 episodes!?' but, it was soon muffled again. I discarded Ty, Ian and Quentin because none of them had over 50 episodes, so now the only 2 possible Team Crafted members were Jerome and Mitch. Suddenly, the screen went blank, but the audio started to clear up. Then the audio was soon muffled again. I was back to square one.

(Ethan's POV)

I was sitting with Allison's head in my lap, talking to the boy that had come in with Laura and the other 4. He was nice and was talking about a series he did with his buddy, Mitch, called 'Pixelmon'.

(Time Skip 5 minutes)

(Allison's POV)

After a few more tries, I had showed no progress of breaking out of unconsciousness. The last try, I had rammed myself into the glass wall. But there was no sign that it was broken. I rammed into the glass again. There was ear-splitting scream, then the glass shattered. I was finally free.

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