✖ Chapter 2 ✖

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We all walked together to our next class. We had like half of our classes together so I guess that was pretty good. I opened the classroom door and held it open, waiting for Alex and Rose to walk in. We each took our seats and the teacher came in and began class.

After about 2 hours of torture in calculus and a cold ass room, we walked to the cafeteria and grabbed our lunch. We sat down at one of the outdoor tables and ate. "So when did you and the Spaniard start talking?", I asked as I took a bite of my chicken sandwich. "He's name is Diego and we started talking around the time he enrolled", she said, obviously annoyed that I called him Spaniard although he is one. "Yeah we have Child Development class and chemistry together", she sighed and took a drink of her coke. "What's he doing in Child Development?", Alex asked, looking quite surprised.

It's not everyday that a guy like him, all athletic and shit (he was the captain of the soccer team) would be in a Child Development class.

Why would he be in a Child Development class?

"I don't know, I mean he wasn't in the class until last week", she shrugged, taking a huge bite out of her sandwich.

This girl can eat. She was super skinny and I will never comprehend how.

"And you don't find that weird?", I asked her and she looked at me in confusion. She glanced at Alex then looked at me, "Find what weird?", she asked looking puzzled. "That he just magically appeared in your Child Development class", I looked at Rose who looked at me like I had gone insane. "What are you saying?", she questioned, looking at Alex and me, then Alex and me again. "What I'm saying that haven't you ever wondered that he could've, you know..".

"What?", Rose gave me a death glare.

"You know..."

"Haynes" she warned.

"You k-", I was cut short by a really rude Alex who opened her mouth to speak. 

"What this idiot is trying to say is that don't you think he got into that class because he knew you were in it?, You know to be with you", Alex said nudging me on the shoulder. Mean. Rose went from white to tomato red in a matter of seconds. "Do you really think he would do that?", she was quite shocked and surprised, which I really didn't understand because I'm pretty sure any guy would do anything to be with her, I mean, she's gorgeous. Every time I see her, there's a group of guys trailing behind but she doesn't seem to notice.

This girl can be so lost sometimes, like the whole world could be in love with her and she wouldn't know.

"Gurl you are gawrgeous", Alex exaggerated snapping her fingers in z formation. "You are not ghet-to", I said exaggerating the ghetto, clapping my hands after saying every word. Rose and Alex stared at me like I had grown a second head and after about 5 seconds of staring, they laughed. And I mean laughed like Rose almost fell over and Alex was clutching her stomach and both their faces were bright red from laughing. "You guys are losers", I grabbed my tray and stood up to throw it away. Walking to the trash can, I turned back to see my idiot friends singing 'Baby come back' to me reaching their hands out towards and laughing like hyenas.

Wow how sad.

Still looking back and not noticing where I was going I bumped into someone, causing the tray to slip from my hands. "Hey watch where you're going", said an angry female voice as I quickly picked my tray that had fallen from my hands. I got up swiftly and looked up to face the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Like I'm not even exaggerating, she was fucking gorgeous. She had long brown hair which was really messy but extremely sexy, and she had these incredible brown eyes that sparkled under the sun, although she had heavy eye make up she still looked sexy as fuck. Oh my god I sound like a girl fangirling over a boy. My perverted eyes somehow ended up looking her up and down until..

"Hey! watch where you're going next time!", she snarled, giving me a look of disgust and walking away. "I'm sorry", I mumbled as I turned around and saw her walk away, she was wearing black jeans which seemed to fit her curves perfectly.

Wow she had a fine a- , my thoughts were ended abruptly when she turned around and gave me a death glare.





Crap what the hell's wrong with me.

I shook my head to shake out the thoughts and turned to walk to my table. When I got to the table I sat down and looked down at the table when I felt two pair of eyes on me. I looked up and Alex and Rose staring at me, their jaws down to the floor.

I looked at them in confusion, still trying to shake off the thoughts from a few moments ago.


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