✖ Chapter 6 ✖

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Veronica's POV

God this music is so annoying. This is literally what aliens having sex sound like, all this techno bull shit. I made my way through the poorly lighted hall way to my brother's room. On my way to his room I nearly tripped on something or someone, one of those.

This party is fucking ridiculous, and the clean up is going to be the biggest pain in the ass but at least it won't be mine.

I smirked to myself and got to my brother's door. I opened it and walked in. I looked around and got a weird chill down my spine, everything was exactly the same as it was 3 years ago. I shook my head and sighed, locking away the old memories I made my way to the dresser. I got a plain black t-shirt and some sweat pants. It's all I could find so he'll have to deal with it.

I exited the room and walked to the bathroom, where I found the stranger. "Here you go", I threw him the clothes and left the bathroom. I heard scuffling from inside the bathroom and suddenly his head popped from off the side of the door. "Wait what's your name?", he asked.

"Why do you want to know my name?" Weirdo

"I just wanna know"

"It's Veronica", I said, turning on my heels and walking away.

"I'm Shawn!", he yelled, before closing the bathroom door. 

I chuckled and rolled my eyes before walking into the huge crowd of people and disappearing.

Shawn's POV

I had wiped off the blue liquid from my chest with the towel which was now stained blue. Oops. After a couple minutes, the girl barged into the bathroom and threw me the clothes and left. Wait I don't even know her name. I quickly opened to the door and stuck my head out and saw her.

"Wait what's your name?", I asked.

"Why do you want to know my name?"

"I just want to know"

"It's Veronica", she said, turning around and walking away. That's a pretty name.

I smiled but I doubt she could see it, "I'm Shawn!", I yelled as she walked further away.

Awesome Shawn, smooth real smooth. I groaned and closed the door. I looked down at the shirt and sweat pants I had in my hand. Well it's something. I quickly changed and left the bathroom to look for Chris. I searched my pants for my phone and when I found it, I turned it on and checked the time.

It was 10:57. Wow three hours had passed? It felt like less.

Crap I have to go look for Chris. I left the bathroom and searched endlessly through the whole house, it was fucking huge. After like 20 minutes of pushing past highly intoxicated teens grinding and making out with each other I finally found Chris playing shot roulette with some people. Great. Chris grabbed a shot glass with some weird light green liquid and drank it. His face was covered in disgust, he looked like he was about to throw up.

Oh god what the hell did he just drink?

People around him were cheering and laughing and Chris just covered his mouth with his hand and ran away. I followed him through the crowded room. He opened a door and locked himself in the room. "Dude are you alright?", I asked knocking on the door. I heard a muffled yeah from the other side. A couple minutes later Chris came out wiping his face with his hands. "Dude THAT was fucking disgusting", he leaned against me and put his arm around my shoulder. No you are, you need like 50 showers like right now.

He literally reeked of alcohol. I laughed at my friend's idiocy and he gave me a puzzled look.

"What's so funny?", he slurred leaning more towards me. "Nothing buddy let's get you home", I grabbed him from the back and carried him out of the house. Damn did he like gain 100 pounds in like 5 seconds, he was fucking heavy. "Chris where are your keys?" I asked putting him against the car making sure he doesn't fall.

He was acting like a child right now and I couldn't do anything but laugh.

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his keys. "Haha Spiderman", he laughed looking at the Spiderman key chain he had. I'm dealing with a drunk 5 year old. "Yeah super funny", I chuckled and rolled my eyes, taking the keys from him and opening the passenger seat. I grabbed him by the shoulder and put him in the car, he groaned a bit before adjusting himself to get comfortable. This guy is a fucking wreck, I went around the car and opened the door to the driver's seat. I got in and saw Chris with his head against the window snoring really loud. The beauty of alcohol. As if he had heard my comment, he snorted loudly and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand before going back to snoring. I laughed quietly, "Chris what fuck?".

I put the key into the ignition and drove away.

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