Chapter 2

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Maryanns POV

when i woke up it was storming out. i hate storms so much. the thunder boomed and i jumped clenching my blanket. Peter moved in his sleep and looked at me. "you're causing the storm aren't you" i said kinda mad. "maybe i am, maybe I'm not." he said. a tear slipped out of the cancer of my eye and i quickly wiped it trying to hide it. peter jumped up and grabbed me. he drug me out of the tent into the rain and through the forest. when we got into the forest he pushed me against a tree and smirked. "you're going to learn." he said. i was confused and crying but you couldn't tell because of the rain. he grabbed my wrist and shoved me into a cage. he locked the cage and walked away. i curled up in a ball with my blanket and cried. i always thought peter was so nice. he was someone looked up to. how could he be like this.

i woke up to someone whispering my name. the rain had stopped and my eyes burned from all the crying. i sat up in the cage and seen a lost boy. peters "right hand man" Felix. "are you okay?" Felix said softly. i nodded and he handed me a mango. "eat this. i don't know what pan has planned today but you're going to need this." he said quietly. "pan?" i asked confused. he nodded. "you're the only one that calls his peter" he told me quietly. when i finished my mango Felix took the core and threw it into the trees. i looked at his. his dirty face, blonde hair and blue eyes. he had a scar between his right eye and his nose. "what happened?" i asked lightly touching the scar. "pan did it" he said. i didn't say anything. we heard rustling and Felix jolted up. " i have to go " he said and ran off. Peter appeared out of the bushes and smiled. "well well well. are you ready for what i have planned today." he said. i just sat on my knees not answering. he opened the cage and pulled me out by my arm. he pushed me up against the tree and shoved a bow and arrows in my hands. i looked down at it and he started to walk away. i followed him to an opening where the lost boys were. felix painted a bullseye on the tree. "time for target practice" peter said. i pulled an arrow out and put it on the bow. "NO NO NO, you aren't doing it right" peter yelled. He went behind me and helped me line the bow. he brushed his lips on my neck and it sent a shiver down my spine. he smirked and got closed. "relax" he whispered into my ear. he kissed all down my neck and behind my ear. i shivered and he smirked. i let go of the bow and hit the bullseye. i smiled and so did peter. "very very good" he said. he made the lost boys leave and he smirked at me. he walked to me and i backed into the tree. "scared?" he asked softly. i looked at the bruises on my arms of him grabbing my arms so hard. he gasped softly seeing what he has done. "I'm so sorry" he said his voice breaking. i shook my head and a tear slid down my cheek. he wiped it with his thumb and looked at me. "please don't cry" he said softly. i walked into his arms and cried into his chest. he held me and i remembered what i read in my book. peter pan has a weakness. he can't let anyone know he had a weakness but i know his weakness. I'm him weakness. i pulled away from him and he instantly looked furious. he shoved me against the tree and i winced when my head hit. i thought i seen his eyes soften a little but they just became darker. then i knew what i had to do. i slammed my lips into his and kissed him. he stumbled a bit but kissed me back. i ran my hands through his hair and he slipped his hands under the hem of my shirt. i pulled away and he touched our foreheads together. "I'm sorry for what i did. its not me. its my shadow" he said. the shadow flew over and spoke in a deep scratchy voice. "you will pay for that. i will be back" it said. it flew off and peter pulled me close. " you broke the curse" he said. "what curse?" i asked confused. " my curse" he whispered. he pecked my lips and pulled me to his tent. he spanned his fingers and my blanket appeared on the bed, clean and folded. he snapped again and i was wearing his boxer shorts and his shirt. i climbed up on the bed and held my blanket. he smiled and snapped his fingers one more time. a teddy bear appeared in his hands and he handed it to me smiling. "here princess" he said softly. i smiled and hugged the teddy bear tightly. " the teddy bear gets more hugs than me" he said acting hurt. "awwww I'm sorry" i said and crawled to the end of the bed and hugged him. he held onto me and fell onto the bed on top of me. i giggled and played with his hair. he laid his head on my chest and fell asleep. i pulled my blanket over us and turned my head so i was looking at his sweet sleeping face. i closed my eyes smiling. i finally got what i wanted. i finally got my peter pan.

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